Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's Fair Time across the land!

My beloved Teeb is off to a discernment week-end. He will have to blog on exactly what that is because I am at a complete loss as to how to explain it.

While he is off discerning, I am left to my own devices. I always have such grand plans of whipping up an outfit, a quilt, a tote bag, or all of the above. I usually lie in the middle of the bed with Bob watching CSI reruns (because face it: we have all seen all of the Law and Order reruns ever made). This trip is no different.

However, I am going to sally forth this morning in solidarity with my sistah and mother and attend the County Fair. I realize it is not as great as the Great State Fair of OK-lahoma (I do hope they brought that back instead of the silly change they made before I left), but it is all I have here in the cultural wasteland of Southern Maryland.

And I need to walk off those 6 dozen Cream Filled Donuts I ate in my car yesterday.


upwiththesun said...

Nothing will ever match the Great State Fair of Ok-lahoma but hopefully you will have fun. There will be quilts I bet. And maybe corn dogs? Salt water taffy? Funnel Cakes?

OkieGran said...

County Fairs are fun!maybe they will have 4 pound cinnamon buns??

TransplantedOkie said...

Stuffed ham is the delicacy of choice here in Southern Maryland.

It is a ham stuffed with greens and all sorts of other delights. I like it a LOT!