Saturday, May 31, 2008


I had Nutella prior to the big trip to Italy, but had the American made version...not the Italian kind. There is a difference.

While we were in Italy I tried to pack as much Nutella eating as possible into each day....Nutella Gelato in Venice, Nutella on my morning bagette in Florence, Nutella crepes in front of the Pantheon. Yum-O!
When we got back to the good ol' US of A, I picked up some at the local Safeway. While it was certainly Nutella, it wasn't my Nutella.
And then I found an Italian market that imports the real thing.

Yes, it really is that good.


OkieGran said...

guess I missed that....sounds good

Erin said...

I don't really love Nutella. Maybe I should give it another chance...

TransplantedOkie said...

Because you have had AMERICAN Nutella. Completely different from the Italian version.