Monday, August 27, 2007


"I made a mistake of using bad judgment and making bad decisions. Those things just can’t happen. Dogfighting is a terrible thing, and I do reject it.” Thus sayeth Michael Vick.

Bad judgement is wearing panty hose with sandles.
Bad judgement is thinking that you can park your 16 passenger van in a spot that would only fit a Mini Cooper.
Bad judgement is cooking that chicken that has been in the 'frig for 2 weeks.

But let us pause and thank God that Mr. Vick "do reject it." I feel much better for his passionate assurance of that.


Ally_C said...

Some people in this world are just Moe-Rons... Mr. Vick is one of those people...

Dad on the East Coast said...

Ally is correct on this one. And to think that the NFL is still trying to decide if he should be suspended permanently!!! Perhaps some others that might fall into the "Moe-Rons" category for a different reason. And then there are the folks writing to the editor of the Washington Post all last week crying for justice and calling for Mr. Vick to apologiza and to let him play with no jail time...more "Moe-Rons".

Abby said...

Seriously this guy was one helpless dog away from becoming the next serial killer. Lock him up and let him reject that.

Dad on the East Coast said...

Apparently, not enough HoHo's growing up!