Thursday, February 09, 2006

So what are you reading?

I have been reading - a lot.

I just finished Memoirs of a Geisha, which was OK. I got bored with the continual conflict with the other geisha and the scheming to get rid of this man in order to get that one. A while back there was an autobiography by a woman who became the first Western woman to become a Geisha. I found that much more fascinating.

Misquoting Jesus: Very deep, and very interesting. It has come up several times in our Sunday School class, so, after we are finished with our current topic, our class is going to be on that book. I am looking forward to that a great deal. I just got The Historic Jesus from a friend and plan to start it. The author is on the edge of excommunication by the Catholic Church for this book. Hmmm....

Manhunt: This is a book I cannot wait to read! It is by a leading Lincoln scholar and it is all about what happened after Booth shot Lincoln. For those of you who do not realize exactly where I am in the world, Dr. Mudd's home is 2.75 miles east of me (he is the doctor who set Booth's leg after the assassination). Pope's Creek, which is where Booth crossed the Potomac into Virginia is about 15 - 20 miles west of me. I think it is going to be a great read especially since I plan to drive the route myself. Dorky? Probably. Fascinating? You bet!

Living a Life that Matters: We are reading this in our Daughters of the King chapter. It is by the same man who wrote" When Bad Things Happen to Good People." We are reading two chapters a month and then discussing our thoughts at the meetings. Very cool to see what other people think of it and how we each interpret the message.

So, what are you reading?


tigerdrea said...

"What to expect the first year" which I plan to finish sometime in the next 4 months and then get started on "What to expect the toddler years" This series have kept me out of the doctor so many times, and neither Theo or I am any worse for wear. "Katz on Dogs" by Jon Katz. It is a commonsense to training and living with dogs. If my customers read this I wouldn't have a job, so I teach it to them instead. Genius...Baby and dogs. Yep, that covers it.

Erin said...

Teachers In Action: An allegorical tale of one class going through kindergarten with Miss Launch and ending in the 8th grade with Miss Noveau, the first year teacher.

36 Children: Herbert Kohl's look at himself as a first year teacher in Harlem in 1964.

Middlesex: Story of Greek shipping family that settles in Detroit suburb and great grand daughter unravels some huge mystery. On page 12. Won a National Book Award though.

Night: Elie Weisel's new edition to his Holocaust Autobiography. This one his wife translated for him, so he has said its even better than his original words in German. Pullitzer Prize winner.

And a variety of trashy romance novels by Julie Garwood and Nora Roberts.

I read a lot.

Cindy said...

"Monster" by Frank E. Peretti

"The Millionaire Mind" by Thomas J. Stanley

A bunch of nutrition/diet books

Adam said...

Donnie Brasko by Joe Pistone. I don't read a lot.