Good thing I blew major money on Monday because I have given up frivolous spending. That's right, you heard me: FRIVOLOUS SPENDING.
Snicker if you will but that is my Lenten discipline.
What qualifies as frivolous spending you ask?
Those leopard pumps THAT ARE ON SALE will not make me run faster or jump over tall buildings. They would make me even more awesome than I already am, but should one just flaunt one's awesomeness all the time to the unwashed masses? Not during Lent. Leopard pumps = frivolous.
How many shades of brown eye shadow does a body need? Realising of course that the color brown really encompasses colors from weak tea to dark chocolate. I don't think the one shade I do not possess is going to be the deciding factor in whether or not I decide to get out of bed that day (Although if I get any more hormonal....)
New eyeshadow = Frivolous
Do you see where I am headed with this? I have all the STUFF I should ever need (notice I did not say want). Surely I can make it through Lent.
If you want to buy those pumps FOR me let me know and I will tell you my size.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ash Wednesday
Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign?
Because I do not hope to know again
The infirm glory of the positive hour
Because I do not think
Because I know I shall not know
The one veritable transitory power
Because I cannot drink
There, where trees flower, and springs flow, for there is nothing again
Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place
I rejoice that things are as they are and
I renounce the blessed face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice
And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us
Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still.
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
- T. S. Eliot
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign?
Because I do not hope to know again
The infirm glory of the positive hour
Because I do not think
Because I know I shall not know
The one veritable transitory power
Because I cannot drink
There, where trees flower, and springs flow, for there is nothing again
Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place
I rejoice that things are as they are and
I renounce the blessed face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice
And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us
Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still.
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
- T. S. Eliot
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Those pesky life lessons, Chapter Bajillion
OK - last night we went to a cocktail party over in Prince Frederick. It was a fund-raiser for the United Way hosted by one of the Board Members of my organization. I looked smashing as did my date if I may say so myself - but I digress.
At this soiree, there was a silent auction - you know where you write down your name or an assigned number and how much you are willing to bid on an item. Since the event was hosted by one of my Board Members I felt compelled to write my number on several bid sheets because, after all, I was certainly going to be out-bid by the end of the evening!
One of the items I bid on was an under-counter wine refrigerator. I bid $200. The next bid was $250 so I knew that all was good and I had no worries.
The gentleman that bid $250 changed his mind (after I left the party and right before the bid sheets were collected) so I am now the proud owner of an under-counter wine refrigerator that holds 24 bottles and 2 six packs.
Moral of the story: Don't bid even if it is politically correct.
At this soiree, there was a silent auction - you know where you write down your name or an assigned number and how much you are willing to bid on an item. Since the event was hosted by one of my Board Members I felt compelled to write my number on several bid sheets because, after all, I was certainly going to be out-bid by the end of the evening!
One of the items I bid on was an under-counter wine refrigerator. I bid $200. The next bid was $250 so I knew that all was good and I had no worries.
The gentleman that bid $250 changed his mind (after I left the party and right before the bid sheets were collected) so I am now the proud owner of an under-counter wine refrigerator that holds 24 bottles and 2 six packs.
Moral of the story: Don't bid even if it is politically correct.
Monday, February 19, 2007
What Ann Michelle Seely Means |
A is for Adaptable N is for Nerdy N is for Neat M is for Magical I is for Impressive C is for Cultured H is for Hip E is for Expressive L is for Luscious L is for Loud E is for Elegant S is for Shocking E is for Exuberant E is for Exquisite L is for Logical Y is for Young |
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Meanwhile, back at the farm...
We finally have electricity! For those of you who have escaped my incessant whining about our lack of heat, let me bring you up to date on the saga that was our Valentine's Day.
On Wednesday (Valentine's Day) at 5:00 a.m. our electricity went out after a huge ice storm in our little corner of the universe. Steve, worker bee that he is, had already showered and gone to work. I, alas, had not. Due to the ice, my office did not open until 10:00 that morning. I went, unwashed and dirty haired, to work that day to escape the freezing temperatures.
When it became clear that we were not going to have electricity restored, I started calling around to get a hotel room. Right. So did everyone else who did not have any electricity. I called, I kid you not, about 18 hotels only to be told that there were no rooms available. Being the resourceful kind of folk that we are, we slept on the floor of Steve's office. Happy freaking Valentine's Day.
The next day, I went to work (even more unkempt and dirtier haired) because we still did not have electricity. Steve, knowing that my unkempt level was waaaaaay past the red zone booked us a room at a hotel. Bob went to stay with the family who keeps him while we are in Oklahoma. He had a blast AND was warm!
So we get to the hotel and of course the first think I do is shower because I am soo past the "eeewwwwwww" stage that I can hardly stand myself. I conk out at 8:00 only to awoken at 3:00 by the dulcent tones of the man in the next room having a fight with his girlfriend. Fabulous. The next morning when I got up I was a hateful mean crank of a woman who made AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE so said dummy in the next room could not sleep. It was the least I could do....legally.
Friday I go to work where my co-workers greet me with delight that I have finally taken a shower and that my hair (that had not been washed since MONDAY) finally looked semi-normal. I think my hair was in complete shock at the filth level it had attained and then the sudden washing of it 48 times to make sure that it was really clean. I mean REALLY clean.
At some point on Friday our electricity came back on, but we were afraid to turn the water on for fear that the pipes had frozen and they would burst if we did. So back to the hotel. This time all was calm and we actually slept.
Today we came home and gingerly tried out the water situation - Sweet Cracker Sandwiches we now have water too!
To celebrate we went to IKEA and bought a bunch of crap we now have to move.
We are brilliant. But we are also warm and clean!!!
On Wednesday (Valentine's Day) at 5:00 a.m. our electricity went out after a huge ice storm in our little corner of the universe. Steve, worker bee that he is, had already showered and gone to work. I, alas, had not. Due to the ice, my office did not open until 10:00 that morning. I went, unwashed and dirty haired, to work that day to escape the freezing temperatures.
When it became clear that we were not going to have electricity restored, I started calling around to get a hotel room. Right. So did everyone else who did not have any electricity. I called, I kid you not, about 18 hotels only to be told that there were no rooms available. Being the resourceful kind of folk that we are, we slept on the floor of Steve's office. Happy freaking Valentine's Day.
The next day, I went to work (even more unkempt and dirtier haired) because we still did not have electricity. Steve, knowing that my unkempt level was waaaaaay past the red zone booked us a room at a hotel. Bob went to stay with the family who keeps him while we are in Oklahoma. He had a blast AND was warm!
So we get to the hotel and of course the first think I do is shower because I am soo past the "eeewwwwwww" stage that I can hardly stand myself. I conk out at 8:00 only to awoken at 3:00 by the dulcent tones of the man in the next room having a fight with his girlfriend. Fabulous. The next morning when I got up I was a hateful mean crank of a woman who made AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE so said dummy in the next room could not sleep. It was the least I could do....legally.
Friday I go to work where my co-workers greet me with delight that I have finally taken a shower and that my hair (that had not been washed since MONDAY) finally looked semi-normal. I think my hair was in complete shock at the filth level it had attained and then the sudden washing of it 48 times to make sure that it was really clean. I mean REALLY clean.
At some point on Friday our electricity came back on, but we were afraid to turn the water on for fear that the pipes had frozen and they would burst if we did. So back to the hotel. This time all was calm and we actually slept.
Today we came home and gingerly tried out the water situation - Sweet Cracker Sandwiches we now have water too!
To celebrate we went to IKEA and bought a bunch of crap we now have to move.
We are brilliant. But we are also warm and clean!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I am Chocolate Ice Cream
You Are Chocolate Ice Cream |
![]() You have a flair for the dramatic and love to party. Your personality is super strong and unique. Many people crave you constantly - while you turn a few off. You are most compatible with coffee ice cream. |
I figured out how to link other sites! Not that it was incredibly difficult, but still...
Along with all of the absolutely fabulous blogs of family and friends, I have added a few that make me laugh on a regular basis. "Go Fug Yourself," while sounding slightly crass is a site that makes me wish that I had thought of it and that I was this witty. Poking fun at celebrities that make a bajillion more dollars than I is always fun.
"Lipstick is My Crack" is a site run by a woman around my age (OK SHE"S YOUNGER!) in Texas. She tries out all the make up/skin care/hair products she can and gives her completely non-professional opinion. Also, she is a hoot.
Ayatollah Mugsy is not only a spiritual leader - he is a pug. Enough said.
Manolo's Shoe Blog is all about the "shoeses." Again, enough said.
Hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do!
Along with all of the absolutely fabulous blogs of family and friends, I have added a few that make me laugh on a regular basis. "Go Fug Yourself," while sounding slightly crass is a site that makes me wish that I had thought of it and that I was this witty. Poking fun at celebrities that make a bajillion more dollars than I is always fun.
"Lipstick is My Crack" is a site run by a woman around my age (OK SHE"S YOUNGER!) in Texas. She tries out all the make up/skin care/hair products she can and gives her completely non-professional opinion. Also, she is a hoot.
Ayatollah Mugsy is not only a spiritual leader - he is a pug. Enough said.
Manolo's Shoe Blog is all about the "shoeses." Again, enough said.
Hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Mamma Mia!
I am beyond excited...
humbled, amazed, and completely GOT!
Ayatollah Mugsy has a link on his site to ME!!!!
If I knew how I would link to HIS site so you could see MINE listed, but I am clearly not a cool as he is!
humbled, amazed, and completely GOT!
Ayatollah Mugsy has a link on his site to ME!!!!
If I knew how I would link to HIS site so you could see MINE listed, but I am clearly not a cool as he is!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Buono Sera (Good evening)
Last night I learned how to ask where the shoe shop is. After I learn how to get directions to the bathroom I really do feel like I am set to go. Shoes, wine, and the bathroom. What more does a girl need while in Italy?
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Buon Giorno
The Italian classes have started! The teacher is about 128 years old and a hoot! If I drive you crazy showing off my "vast" knowledge, all I can say is, "Mi dispiace!" (I'm sorry).
We will be spending 5 days in Venice, 2 in Florence and 3 in Rome. HOW can I see it all in that short amount of time? Of course, this is assuming that I save my pennies and actually get there! It will all be so che bella.
Arrivederci mi familigia et amico!
We will be spending 5 days in Venice, 2 in Florence and 3 in Rome. HOW can I see it all in that short amount of time? Of course, this is assuming that I save my pennies and actually get there! It will all be so che bella.
Arrivederci mi familigia et amico!
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