Call me on my cell phone. Our home phone modem is shot so we have neither phone nor
Internet service. Thank God the TV still works.....
Saturday night Sue and I went to a bachelor auction. (Now before everyone gets all excited, there were really only 4 bachelors on the block out of about 25 "items." The rest were things like landscaping, gym memberships with a personal trainer etc.) Sue and I pooled our resources and bought a Potomac River cruise for 6 that includes appetizers and drinks on the boat and then a crab feast at the home of the couple who donated the cruise. Yes, we are taking our cute husbands and one other couple.
This was an event that neither one of us wanted to go to. We really kind of had to talk each other into it, but, since we had purchased tickets and told another friend we would go, we felt like we
had to go. Sue picked me up in her "classic" (i.e. old) Mercedes two
seater. We were driving up 301 thinking we were all cute and sassy when the trunk flew open. Our cuteness and sassy-
ness ended real quick when we both freaked out. Then all we could do is crack up at ourselves the rest of the way up the road. By the time it was all said and done we were glad we went.
This morning I opened my e-mail to find that I have been invited to a Pajama Party on the June 6 complete with chocolate martinis. I guess I will have to come up with something other than one of Steve's old T-shirts and a pair of flannel pants to wear. I am seriously considering footed pajamas, but I don't know how this group would roll with that.