Sunday, March 12, 2006

To sleep perchance to dream....

I hope not! Last night I dreamt that Steve took me on a cruise of the Mississppi ----to see the Golden Gate Bridge. Apparently they have moved it from San Fransico. How did we get to the boat? We road our sheep of course. We had company while on the cruise; the entire Simpson family including the Denmans was onboard as well. We all played golf on board (must have been a big ship). The entertainment on board was (drumroll please) Donna and Jim Morley.

It doesn't get much stranger than that, my friends.


Erin said...

The Simpson AND the Denmans? Oh well, they had probably had too many Jack&7's to be a bother!

That was disrespectful. But funny.

elizabeth said...

my favorite part of this dream is that you rode sheep. haha. that image made me laugh :)

upwiththesun said...

so, what did you eat and/or drink before bed last night! I've been on an excursion with the Simpsons and the sheep though

TransplantedOkie said...

Erin, the Simpson and Denmans were no trouble - excpet when Stuart tried to sell me some Avon (forgot to mention that part)

Elizabeth, we not only rode the sheep, they stayed in our room with us.

Dawn, I am fasting today just in case...

OkieGran said...

hum...I am speechless!

upwiththesun said...

I am laughing sooooooo hard over the fasting comment!! You crack me up!

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Riding sheep ... what an absurd image. Congratulations on the new job!