Cooler heads prevailed so I am keeping the big green bean van. *sigh* I guess I will just have to wait a while longer to get the cool cobra trike.
I broke down and had to stop working at the quilt store. :( I just know that I cannot handle two jobs right now. They were so nice about it, but I really felt badly about it. That doesn't mean I still can't go in there and spend!! And Amy told me that they are getting in OSU fabric! I need to ask her about OU next time I am in.
So the golf tournament is going along - it is June 16 if you decide you want to come out and play or come out and sit on a hole! Then on July 26 we are having a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament. I am glad I am as far along with the golf tournament as I am - I know nadda about poker! I bought a "Pocket Idiot's Guide to Texas Hold 'Em" so now I know all the terminology, but I still haven't a clue how to play. Guess it really doesn't matter if I know how to play as long as everyone else does.
Love to all,