So, the big green bean has 247,000 miles on it. What do we think of this for my next "vehicle"? The one next to me has two kegs on it which would come in handy of I could fill them with Diet Coke, but I am really drawn to this one. Don't know if you can see the cobra detailing on it - there is also a button that you can push so "venom" shoots out from the front. Just the thing for a Deacon's wife!!!
I'll comment just as soon as I can get my breath and get off the floor from hysteria!!!
WHAT!?!? I think I look fab!
You would need to think about helemt hair. Or if you're planning to be unsafe, the windblown tousled look. Just things to think about.
My hair ALREADY looks like helmet hair.
Mother, not a helmet made of hair. Hair squashed down and scrunched all over so it sticks out in awkward tufts everywhere.
You do look fab. And by the way, the cobra shooting out stuff really might come in handy for those crazy MD drivers.
I'm speachless! you gotta be kidding---aren't you????
If not don't forget the leather pants, you don't want to skin up those pretty knees!
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