It seems that the free world as we know it is making this pattern! Every blog I visit is doing this jacket and they are all so amazing and different. Awesome fabric choices that I would have never thought of, but all incredible! Mine is black and beige tweed. I need to put the collar on and I will be finished.
The perfect pants are: perfect! I should nevre buy another pair of pants as long as I live - I should just whip some up from my perfectly customized pattern. Now I need to find the perfect skirt and my life will be complete.
I finished a darling pink and brown dog carrier for my friend Nicole. Her mom has a new "morkie" (half Manchester terrier, half Yorkie) named "Cuddles." Nicole is giving her the carrier for her mother's birthday. Instead of putting a zipper on the end, I put pink ribbons to be tied and untied. It is pretty stinking cute if I may say so myself. Very "Ooh La La!"
Shhhh....I don't have a meeting tonight or tomorrow night. Maybe I can get my jacket finished!
Wowza. A pink ribbon carrier for a Morkie named Cuddles. Too much to mock in one sentence.
I love you Erin!
You're killin' me Smalls!
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