the city bathed in the warm glow of a sunset (do I wax too poetic?)...

and the promise that if you touch a certain pigs nose you will return.

We also saw the tomb of Michaelangelo.

The inside of the duomo of Santa Maria was magnificent.

I have no idea the name of this statue but my husband has decided it should be called "Unfair Fight."

I think that Dante (as depicted in stone here) would agree that flying for 11 hours jammed in a too small seat should be added as one of the circles of hell.

Ah Florence, my favorite city in the entire world! Did you just feel fantastic walking around? Did you get to see Santa Croce? It was my favorite basilica! I would like to see more photos, oh and I love the coat.
Santa Croce was my favorite of all the churches we saw up to and including the one that has St. Anthony's tongue proudly displayed.
The coat is long - past my knees - and reversible. It was waterproof and soooo warm. And if I am brave enough I can turn it inside out and rock that look.
Rock the leopard look? You mean you didn't already? SOOO NOT Phyllis Diller of you.
I rocked it in Italy, but is the good ol' USA ready for me? Or will I look too Joan Collins in Dynasty?
Matt and I are considering Italy for the honeymoon... and after your pictures, I'm saying Matt and I are GOING to Italy for our honeymoon. :)
Your hair could not possibly be teased high enough to match Joan’s stature. I would not worry - wear the sassy coat.
I was under the impression that it was a pug's nose you rubbed to ensure your return. But perhaps I was mistaken.
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