and it was a fun one! Angela Bauer got here Saturday safe and sound. We took her to the National Cathedral on Sunday for service. I took this picture of the sun coming through a window and I think it turned out well.
After service, we went to the Four Seasons Hotel for high tea. What a hoot! We all agreed we liked the smoked trout sandwiches and the pumpkin mousse covered in chocolate. On the way home, the PT Cruiser "broke" and would not shift out of first gear. That made for a long ride home! Thank heavens for warranties.
Monday we went to the Shrine of the Immaculant Conception on the campus of Catholic University of America. It is a bassilica (means that the Pope designated as such) and is the 8th largest church in the world. If you are ever in DC, you MUST see this. Absolutely incredible. Monday afternoon we went to Arlington Cemetary where the Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Uknowns. All the pomp and ceremony was very impresive and moving. We were home in time for Angea to catch the new episode of Laguna Beach.
Today, Steve ran Angela up to the National 4-H center to begin her conference and I worked. The fun never ends here on Hunting Springs Farm!
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