This one is swiped from my pal Mrs. Badger
If I was an hour of the day... 10:00 a.m.
If I was a planet... I'd be Saturn.
If I was a direction... I'd be South.
If I was a piece of furniture... Chaise lounge.
If I was a liquid... I'd be vodka.
If I was a sin... I'd be Wrath.
If I was a rock... I'd be granite.
If I was a tree... I'd be a redbud.
If I was a fruit... I'd be a kiwi.
If I was a flower... I'd be a peony.
If I was a climate... I'd be an arid desert.
If I was a musical instrument... I'd be a trumpet.
If I was an element... I'd be Earth (or, Periodic Table-y speaking, Carbon).
If I was a color... I'd be yellow.
If I was an animal... I'd be a spoiled dog like Bob.
If I was a sound... I'd be a sigh.
If I was music... I'd be a celtic tune.
If I was a music style... Jazz.
If I was a feeling... I'd be ennui.
If I was a book... I'd be Mary of the Lost and Found.
If I was a food... I'd be shark soup.
If I was a place... I'd be home.
If I was a flavour... I'd be sour.
If I was a scent... I'd be herbal.
If I was a word... I'd be "sassy."
If I was a verb... I'd be "sew".
If I was an object... book.
If I was a part of the body... I'd be the head.
If I was a facial expression... I'd be a smirk.
If I was a cartoon character... Calvin.
If I was a movie... I'd be The Princess Bride.
If I was a shape... I'd be a spiral.
If I was a number... I'd be 7.
If I was a season... I'd be Fall.
If I was a sentence... I'd be "Of course I could be wrong."