I am full-on cranky that I am not back to 100%. Steve tells me that these things take time, but patience has never been my greatest strength.
On other fronts - I am very proud of all of you for thinking of those less fortunate this Christmas. We all know that I love loot, but knowing that we are all doing our part is even better.
Besides, Steve bought new tires for my car that I am absolutely giddy about! Do I really need anything else? Does this mean I am completely grown up now? Sigh....it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Back in Maryland
We made it home around 2 this afternoon. I started laundry and spent the rest of the day as a slug. Bob is home (and going to the groomer tomorrow), so all is right in the world.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today was my last day of work and I wasn't even there for it. Pretty weird.
If you need me, I am at home. Hopefully mending. Definitely knitting.
If you need me, I am at home. Hopefully mending. Definitely knitting.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Still hurting. I have stopped taking the steroids so at least my stomach doesn't hurt as much anymore. Besides, I read the side effects, some of which were: "acne, weight gain, and (my personal favorite) flatulence." Nothing like a middle aged, zit-faced, overweight, cranky woman who is jet-propelled to bring a little sunshine into your life. Just ask Steve! The cane just adds to the delightful picture of me that you now have in your head.
The MRI was Friday and it was not fun. The tech had to strap my ankles and knees together to make sure my hips and pelvis were in the correct position. It was pretty painful, but at least he had good music playing. He said that he can't listen to anything too peppy because people tend to dance around even through they don't mean to. I thought that was strange because, really, there is not a lot of room to dance around in while in the MRI machine. I will have to take his word for it as he is the pro. Anyway, what he played I knew all the words to so I sang along. Apparently I am the first one to sing along as loudly as I did. Go figure.
Bob has been the perfect heating pad, and has made it is job to sleep right next to my left hip. This, of course, is at great personal sacrifice to him. If he would just sprout an opposable thimb so he could open the refrigerator and get me a Diet Coke....then he would be the perfect dog.
Thank God I still have yarn to knit and Law and Order reruns to watch....
The MRI was Friday and it was not fun. The tech had to strap my ankles and knees together to make sure my hips and pelvis were in the correct position. It was pretty painful, but at least he had good music playing. He said that he can't listen to anything too peppy because people tend to dance around even through they don't mean to. I thought that was strange because, really, there is not a lot of room to dance around in while in the MRI machine. I will have to take his word for it as he is the pro. Anyway, what he played I knew all the words to so I sang along. Apparently I am the first one to sing along as loudly as I did. Go figure.
Bob has been the perfect heating pad, and has made it is job to sleep right next to my left hip. This, of course, is at great personal sacrifice to him. If he would just sprout an opposable thimb so he could open the refrigerator and get me a Diet Coke....then he would be the perfect dog.
Thank God I still have yarn to knit and Law and Order reruns to watch....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I took a wooden nickle
Grandma Geneva always used to tell us not to take any wooden nickles, and don't fall down and break your leg.
Somewhere along the way someone slipped me a wooden nickle.
Although I did not break my leg, there is much speculation that I cracked my pelvis and/or hip. This, let me assure you, sucks.
So here is what happened: I was leaving Stitches East in Baltimore, heavily laden with treasures I had picked up while there. When I got to the parking garage, I changed my mind mid-step about which direction I wanted to go. My feet where headed right and my body left. Neither won. My left foot flew out from under me and I landed on my hip with a resounding "THUD."
Good news is that no yarn was harmed in this process. I had enough wits about me to make sure that fabulous cashmere I found did not touch the ground. Priorities people!
After I leapt back up with precious little dignity intact, I made a beeline for the car and started home. I figured a nice warm bath, an Advil, and a glass of wine would cure me. Yeah right.
About 3 a.m. I thought I was gonna die. But I didn't want to go to the emergency room quite yet because I really needed to wash my hair (again with the priorities). My hairdryer was still down in the car because I had only unloaded my precious yarn, and I didn't want to wake Steve up to go get it. I am not claiming rational thought - I am just recounting the events.
At 6 Steve gets up, takes one look at me and declares we are going to the emergency room. No argument from me. So off we go, me dressed in my finest sweat suit, but with clean hair!
I am the only person in the emergency room and am whisked in right away. A 12 year old doctor orders xrays and percocet. He is my friend. The xrays show nothing, but Dr. 12 Year Old thinks that maybe I have cracked my pelvis and/or hip. It's just not showing up. I am sent home with a perscription for percoset and directions to stay off my leg. No kidding.
I have spent two days in bed taking percocet. I was really looking forward to having wild funky drug induced dreams with no pain. That was not meant to be. The percocet is NOT living up to its reputation. I still hurt - a lot. I hurt so much that I cannot sleep. No funky dreams...just being hurty.
So here we are on Wednesday. I am going to my regular physician today at 2:15. Not sure what she can do for me at this point, but I am hoping something to make it stop hurting. My sweet cute husband has been taking wonderful care of me, and I have been petting all my yarn, but I am ready to stop hurting.
Send more cashmere. Maybe that will work.
Somewhere along the way someone slipped me a wooden nickle.
Although I did not break my leg, there is much speculation that I cracked my pelvis and/or hip. This, let me assure you, sucks.
So here is what happened: I was leaving Stitches East in Baltimore, heavily laden with treasures I had picked up while there. When I got to the parking garage, I changed my mind mid-step about which direction I wanted to go. My feet where headed right and my body left. Neither won. My left foot flew out from under me and I landed on my hip with a resounding "THUD."
Good news is that no yarn was harmed in this process. I had enough wits about me to make sure that fabulous cashmere I found did not touch the ground. Priorities people!
After I leapt back up with precious little dignity intact, I made a beeline for the car and started home. I figured a nice warm bath, an Advil, and a glass of wine would cure me. Yeah right.
About 3 a.m. I thought I was gonna die. But I didn't want to go to the emergency room quite yet because I really needed to wash my hair (again with the priorities). My hairdryer was still down in the car because I had only unloaded my precious yarn, and I didn't want to wake Steve up to go get it. I am not claiming rational thought - I am just recounting the events.
At 6 Steve gets up, takes one look at me and declares we are going to the emergency room. No argument from me. So off we go, me dressed in my finest sweat suit, but with clean hair!
I am the only person in the emergency room and am whisked in right away. A 12 year old doctor orders xrays and percocet. He is my friend. The xrays show nothing, but Dr. 12 Year Old thinks that maybe I have cracked my pelvis and/or hip. It's just not showing up. I am sent home with a perscription for percoset and directions to stay off my leg. No kidding.
I have spent two days in bed taking percocet. I was really looking forward to having wild funky drug induced dreams with no pain. That was not meant to be. The percocet is NOT living up to its reputation. I still hurt - a lot. I hurt so much that I cannot sleep. No funky dreams...just being hurty.
So here we are on Wednesday. I am going to my regular physician today at 2:15. Not sure what she can do for me at this point, but I am hoping something to make it stop hurting. My sweet cute husband has been taking wonderful care of me, and I have been petting all my yarn, but I am ready to stop hurting.
Send more cashmere. Maybe that will work.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Just do it
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Everything and Nothing
While a lot has been going on, I have nothing to report. We are in the strange limbo land of waiting.
The Prior is preoccupied with the Wall Street Crises, so no decision there yet.
Steve had the MRI on his back, so we are waiting for someone to read that and tell us what to do next. Pretty sure it is a herniated disk.
I hate waiting.
The Prior is preoccupied with the Wall Street Crises, so no decision there yet.
Steve had the MRI on his back, so we are waiting for someone to read that and tell us what to do next. Pretty sure it is a herniated disk.
I hate waiting.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Unity Walk 9/11
Today I volunteered at the Washington DC Unity Walk 9/11. It started out at the Hebrew congregation (with a muslim call to prayer - very cool). and made its way down Massachusets Avenue past many embassies to the Ghandi memorial park. Stops along the way included a Catholic church, a Sikh Temple, the National Cathedral, the Greek Orthodox church, and the Russian Orthodix Church.
The walk also passed the Khalil Gilbran Park, the Islamic Park and finally ended up at the Ghandi Memorial Gardens. The walk was led byArun Ghandi.
There were probably 1500 participants in the walk, and the Christians/non-Christian ration was about dead even.
It's a start......
The walk also passed the Khalil Gilbran Park, the Islamic Park and finally ended up at the Ghandi Memorial Gardens. The walk was led byArun Ghandi.
There were probably 1500 participants in the walk, and the Christians/non-Christian ration was about dead even.
It's a start......
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Even MORE things I learned while fishing
This week-end was the Wine, Women and Fishing event in Virginia Beach. I was greatly anticipating this week-end because 1) I secretly think off-shore fishing is really cool. Please don't tell anyone 2) Sue and Mike needed a fun and relaxing week-end. The funeral for George and taking care of Lisa and the kids has really worn them down.
So I drive down Saturday afternoon. Very uneventful except for the fact that the traffic at the tunnel was so slow I actually could knit while driving (I have decided that when you are going under 3 miles per hour it is OK to knit). I drive to the docks like I have been doing it for years thanks to my handy dandy Molly Magellan. Sue, Christine, and I go to Harris Tweeter (it's really Harris Teeter but we think we are so funny when we call it Harris Tweeter) which might be the greatest grocery chain ever. We bought way more stuff than we ever needed, which came in handy later.
OK. Back at the boat all our tournament team mates arrive and we go over to the tournament Kick-off event. Please keep in mind that the name of the event is Wine, Women, and Fishing. We are there about 20 minutes and they run out of wine. WHAT? Not a good thing to announce to a crowd of women who forked out serious money for this event. The mood was UG-LEE. I decide that I will drink a beer and have a Land Shark. Great beer, and hilarious name. All I could think of was the old Saturday Night Live skit.
We have dinner and hit the boat to go to bed because we are setting out at 5:30. Yes, my little possums, 5:30 in the morning.
At 5:30 off we go with a song in our hearts and great plans to catch THE BIG ONE. I take Dramamine so I am sea worthy, thank the Lord. we go 72 miles off shore because big fish need big water. Someone should have told the fish that that is where they needed to be. We did not catch a single thing all day. Nothing, nadda, zip. We did see lots of porpoise, whales, sea turtles and flying fish. That was very cool!
At 3:00 the tournament is officially over, and we have had a fabulous time making up all kinds of fish dances, wearing a fish eye (A fake one. We didn't poke the eye out of some bait and wear it on our foreheads. Good grief people!) in the middle of our foreheads (The All Seeing Fish Eye). That was an interesting site of 6 women doing all this nonsense! I even yelled SOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE Fish. But alas we were fishless.
At 4:15 on the way back in, (we are taking our time because why do you want to be back early if you LOST?) we hear an odd noise coming from one of the engines. Very odd. So odd that Mike comes flying down from the bridge and orders us out of the stateroom. He open up the engine room door and black smoke comes pouring out. Even in my non-nautical state, I know that this is not a good sign.
The boat is shut down. Words in combinations I have never heard come streaming from Mike's lips. The port engine is blown. Bear in mind that this is the engine they just had rebuilt at the tune of $23,000. I would have come up with interesting combinations too. Actually I think I would have gone into the state room, laid down on the bed and sucked my thumb. Sue and Mike are more pro-active than I. They chose to tell the engine what they really thought of it and its ancestory.
Now we have one engine to limp 62 MILES back to shore with. This is where the over-shopping at Harris Tweeter came in handy. We proceed to eat. And eat.
After about an hour, we get a call from a boat who has heard us contact the Coast Guard. They are heading our way and will pick up any passengers who need to get back sooner. Carol and I decide we will go back since we have to work on Monday. The boat pulls up, we hop on, and away we go.
Turns out this couple is from Yukon, Oklahoma! She went to OU! He went to OSU! She is Henry Bellmon's niece! We are friends for life now. We have bonded like only Okie's can. Carol and I are sending them a "House Divided" flag to thank them for the ride.
We get back to shore at 8:35 p.m. and I load up and start for La Plata. A three hour tour (insert Gilligan's Island music here). I straggle in at 12:05 a.m.
So no fish were caught, precious little wine was had, but it all makes a great story now, and I am glad I went.
So I drive down Saturday afternoon. Very uneventful except for the fact that the traffic at the tunnel was so slow I actually could knit while driving (I have decided that when you are going under 3 miles per hour it is OK to knit). I drive to the docks like I have been doing it for years thanks to my handy dandy Molly Magellan. Sue, Christine, and I go to Harris Tweeter (it's really Harris Teeter but we think we are so funny when we call it Harris Tweeter) which might be the greatest grocery chain ever. We bought way more stuff than we ever needed, which came in handy later.
OK. Back at the boat all our tournament team mates arrive and we go over to the tournament Kick-off event. Please keep in mind that the name of the event is Wine, Women, and Fishing. We are there about 20 minutes and they run out of wine. WHAT? Not a good thing to announce to a crowd of women who forked out serious money for this event. The mood was UG-LEE. I decide that I will drink a beer and have a Land Shark. Great beer, and hilarious name. All I could think of was the old Saturday Night Live skit.
We have dinner and hit the boat to go to bed because we are setting out at 5:30. Yes, my little possums, 5:30 in the morning.
At 5:30 off we go with a song in our hearts and great plans to catch THE BIG ONE. I take Dramamine so I am sea worthy, thank the Lord. we go 72 miles off shore because big fish need big water. Someone should have told the fish that that is where they needed to be. We did not catch a single thing all day. Nothing, nadda, zip. We did see lots of porpoise, whales, sea turtles and flying fish. That was very cool!
At 3:00 the tournament is officially over, and we have had a fabulous time making up all kinds of fish dances, wearing a fish eye (A fake one. We didn't poke the eye out of some bait and wear it on our foreheads. Good grief people!) in the middle of our foreheads (The All Seeing Fish Eye). That was an interesting site of 6 women doing all this nonsense! I even yelled SOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE Fish. But alas we were fishless.
At 4:15 on the way back in, (we are taking our time because why do you want to be back early if you LOST?) we hear an odd noise coming from one of the engines. Very odd. So odd that Mike comes flying down from the bridge and orders us out of the stateroom. He open up the engine room door and black smoke comes pouring out. Even in my non-nautical state, I know that this is not a good sign.
The boat is shut down. Words in combinations I have never heard come streaming from Mike's lips. The port engine is blown. Bear in mind that this is the engine they just had rebuilt at the tune of $23,000. I would have come up with interesting combinations too. Actually I think I would have gone into the state room, laid down on the bed and sucked my thumb. Sue and Mike are more pro-active than I. They chose to tell the engine what they really thought of it and its ancestory.
Now we have one engine to limp 62 MILES back to shore with. This is where the over-shopping at Harris Tweeter came in handy. We proceed to eat. And eat.
After about an hour, we get a call from a boat who has heard us contact the Coast Guard. They are heading our way and will pick up any passengers who need to get back sooner. Carol and I decide we will go back since we have to work on Monday. The boat pulls up, we hop on, and away we go.
Turns out this couple is from Yukon, Oklahoma! She went to OU! He went to OSU! She is Henry Bellmon's niece! We are friends for life now. We have bonded like only Okie's can. Carol and I are sending them a "House Divided" flag to thank them for the ride.
We get back to shore at 8:35 p.m. and I load up and start for La Plata. A three hour tour (insert Gilligan's Island music here). I straggle in at 12:05 a.m.
So no fish were caught, precious little wine was had, but it all makes a great story now, and I am glad I went.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
This needs to be said
Steve and I are attending a funeral today for a friend of ours who died last week at the age of 47. George leaves behind a wife, a 15 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. George's died of a massive heart attack while on vacation in Minnesota.
George did not believe in life insurance.
Lisa, his wife, has a good job. In fact she works for my buddy Sue, who happens to be Lisa's sister. But Lisa is now around $20,000 in the hole because of the expence of the funeral, flying her and her children back unexpectedly from Minnesota, the transportation of the body, etc.
Go buy life insurance.
And while we are on the subject, I want Rite I at my service and I do not want Amazing Grace played. If cremating me is cheaper, do that. I know some people object to cremation because, "How will God resurrect your body if it has been burnt up?" He's God. I am guessing that if He can create this beautiful world we live in, He can handle putting my body back together as He sees fit.
George did not believe in life insurance.
Lisa, his wife, has a good job. In fact she works for my buddy Sue, who happens to be Lisa's sister. But Lisa is now around $20,000 in the hole because of the expence of the funeral, flying her and her children back unexpectedly from Minnesota, the transportation of the body, etc.
Go buy life insurance.
And while we are on the subject, I want Rite I at my service and I do not want Amazing Grace played. If cremating me is cheaper, do that. I know some people object to cremation because, "How will God resurrect your body if it has been burnt up?" He's God. I am guessing that if He can create this beautiful world we live in, He can handle putting my body back together as He sees fit.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
No, I am not becoming a realtor

But that is what this picture reminds me of! I had to have a head shot done for Leadership Southern Maryland, so here it is.
The nice thing about this picture is that you cannot tell that one of the strategically placed buttons on my blouse came off as I was putting it on, and that my pants and shoes definitely do not match the top half of my body!
On other notes, it is 10 days until my big off shore fishing trip! WOOT! I hope to have pictures of all us wimenz with ginormous fish. And hopefully someone else will clean said catch.
Friday, July 25, 2008

I need your help! I am participating in the Chesapeake Bay Wine Women and Fishing Tournament on August 16 and 17th. The boat we are going out on is called "No Good Deed..." We are trying to come up with some clever sayings to go along with that phrase (other than "goes unpunished"). The idea is for the front of our t-shirts to say "No Good Deed...." and the back finish the phrase. Put on your thinking caps and if we choose yours I will send you a t-shirt!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
We are back!
We are back from the Big Beach Adventure! I think I speak for all of us when I say we had a blast!
Steve is compiling a list of top 10 hilarious things said during the week. A reference to that is the previous entry. If you have never heard a 3 year old sing Johnny Cash then you, my friend, have simply not lived.
Pictures to come when I find the cord to the camera............
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Things I learned this weekend
1) Off shore fishing is exciting! I really want to do it again so I can try to catch something other than another boat.
2) I am a weenie. Reeling in said boat nearly killed me off - my shoulders and hands are still sore.
3) Dramamine is my friend. Taking one before getting on the boat and before we went out was a good idea.
4) Dramamine should be Steve's friend too. 'Nuff said.
2) I am a weenie. Reeling in said boat nearly killed me off - my shoulders and hands are still sore.
3) Dramamine is my friend. Taking one before getting on the boat and before we went out was a good idea.
4) Dramamine should be Steve's friend too. 'Nuff said.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
What do you wear to this event?
The possibilities are mind boggling.
Twin set with pearls and a linen skirt, while a classic, are not your best bet. And who would have ever thought in a bajillion years that I would be invited to an event where this uniform would be considered "odd." My trusty black sling backs are not event appropriate.
Think aging Stevie Nicks.
Lots of flowing multi-colored layers. Butterflies are a popular motif as are stars. In other words, go to your closest dress-up bin and raid it.
Lots of nothing that I own in my closet. While I do have a kick-ass "I Love Lucy" costume complete with fire red wig, I have nothing that I can twirl around in while warbling "Sarah."
For which all of my children are eternally grateful, I have no doubt.
Twin set with pearls and a linen skirt, while a classic, are not your best bet. And who would have ever thought in a bajillion years that I would be invited to an event where this uniform would be considered "odd." My trusty black sling backs are not event appropriate.
Think aging Stevie Nicks.
Lots of flowing multi-colored layers. Butterflies are a popular motif as are stars. In other words, go to your closest dress-up bin and raid it.
Lots of nothing that I own in my closet. While I do have a kick-ass "I Love Lucy" costume complete with fire red wig, I have nothing that I can twirl around in while warbling "Sarah."
For which all of my children are eternally grateful, I have no doubt.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What kind of gift do you take to this kind of event?
I have neem invited to an interesting ceremony. Here is what I found out about this. My comments and concerns are in red.
Frequently Asked Questions And, oh yes, I do have quite a lot of those.
At what age can I be croned? Although traditions vary, it's generally accepted that age 49 (one’s 50th year) is the minimum. Many women wait to be croned until they’re 56 or 60. In my experience, each decade, starting with the 5th, brings its own challenges and blessings, resulting in newly harvested wisdom. Why in the name of heaven would I WANT to be called a crone?!
Do I have to be post-menopausal? No. Today some women still bleed in their 60s and others experience menopause after an operation in their 30s. We honor this rite as a woman's (blood) mystery, but the timing depends more on age (see above) and personal readiness than biological factors. Jeez people do we have to talk about this?
Who does the actual croning? Do they have to have a license, are there requirements or credentials of somesort?
Again, traditions vary. Typically initiations are conducted by those already initiated. If initiated crones are not available, women who deeply appreciate and acknowledge what it means to be a crone can conduct/priestess the ceremony.
Who can participate? And how can I gracefully decline this invitation?
Ceremonies often take place in women's circles, gatherings, and conferences. Private ceremonies can include crones only, women only, or women, children, and men. While those conducting the ceremony and performing the it should be women, all participants can honor the new crone and engage in other aspects.
Can I be croned more than once? Why would you want to be croned once much less twice? I am still not getting it.
Can I be croned for the first time at 70 instead of 50? Claiming our wisdom is a constant process: One can never be croned too many times, and it’s never too late. I’ve been croned in a personal ceremony, with circle sisters on a weekend retreat, and with new and previously initiated crones in gatherings of 100-300 women. Each ceremony is a unique celebration, an opportunity to reaffirm old commitments and make new ones. That is a lot of crones.
Can I be croned in a group ceremony before I have my personal ceremony? Oh good grief.....
Yes; there is no order in which to be croned. Participating in large group cronings will often spark ideas for a personal ceremony and vice versa.
Do I have to have a crone name?
Many women take this opportunity to rename themselves or take a special name, but it is not a requirement. Some one has probably already taken Lady Morgana Willow-elf so you will have to come up with something different.
Do I have to make commitments?
Croning is a significant step, a recognition of wisdom gained through years lived. Although not required, I strongly encourage the new crone to act on her wisdom by making a three-fold commitment to healing--herself, her community (however she defines it), and the earth. This can be simple or elaborate, general or specific.
Guidelines for a Personal Ceremony Oh thank God there are guidelines
The ritual can follow a celebratory meal (save the dessert until after the ceremony)It can take half an hour to two hours HOLY CRAP! depending on the size of the group and how many people speak, please, PLEASE do not make me speak give gifts, etc.Use the ritual structure of your tradition (or contact me for a general outline);
Select songs and chants that feature old women, crones "100 bottles of beer on the wall " is my choice
Call crone goddesses, ancestresses, crones of ancient times We are all going to hell...
Decide what will symbolize the initiation--a flower or star garland crown, a crone staff, a cloak or shawl, a ribbon or flower lei, a special gourd I personally would want a wand, IF I was ever going to do this. Don't panic Erin I am not going to get croned and embarrass you in front of all of your friends by announcing that I have done so.
Decide what will be used to represent the passage (a birthing into cronehood)--a gateway, threshold, curtain, a woman’s legs (she stands on a chair) what?
If people will be present who don’t understand the significance of the ceremony or of reclaiming the once-revered designation of crone, give a brief explanation. That would be me-cowering in the back waiting for the wrath of God to strike us all.
Everyone participates in honoring the new crone--written or verbal blessings, stories of her wisdom, poetry, song, chant, drumming, dancing (building toward the moment of croning) I am NOT dancing, chanting, drumming, or rattling. Out of my comfort zone.
The new crone crosses the threshold, emerges between the legs WHAT?, parts the curtain
Once on the other side she can be anointed with Hecate oil, rose petal water, rattled, wanded with lavender Trust me, I am rattled at this point for sure
The priestess asks for her crone name (if she is going to take one) and commitments
Then the priestess says some appropriate words and blessings as she presents the new crone with her symbol of initiation (placing the crown on her head, the cloak/shawl around her body, the staff or gourd in her hand) If we have not been zapped yet this is where it will happen...
Songs, chants, drumming/rattling
Other symbols and gifts can be presented to the new crone I am guessing some lovely handmade soaps are not the type of thing one presents to a new crone. Just a guess.
The new crone speaks her wisdom, gratitude, expands on her commitments
End the ritual in the traditional manner
Celebrate with food and drink
Enjoy the afterglow ICK
This is just one of many possible ways to conduct a ceremony.
I hope I don't start giggling like an idiot during this whole thing. Clearly I am way too Midwestern to be comfortable with all of this.
Frequently Asked Questions And, oh yes, I do have quite a lot of those.
At what age can I be croned? Although traditions vary, it's generally accepted that age 49 (one’s 50th year) is the minimum. Many women wait to be croned until they’re 56 or 60. In my experience, each decade, starting with the 5th, brings its own challenges and blessings, resulting in newly harvested wisdom. Why in the name of heaven would I WANT to be called a crone?!
Do I have to be post-menopausal? No. Today some women still bleed in their 60s and others experience menopause after an operation in their 30s. We honor this rite as a woman's (blood) mystery, but the timing depends more on age (see above) and personal readiness than biological factors. Jeez people do we have to talk about this?
Who does the actual croning? Do they have to have a license, are there requirements or credentials of somesort?
Again, traditions vary. Typically initiations are conducted by those already initiated. If initiated crones are not available, women who deeply appreciate and acknowledge what it means to be a crone can conduct/priestess the ceremony.
Who can participate? And how can I gracefully decline this invitation?
Ceremonies often take place in women's circles, gatherings, and conferences. Private ceremonies can include crones only, women only, or women, children, and men. While those conducting the ceremony and performing the it should be women, all participants can honor the new crone and engage in other aspects.
Can I be croned more than once? Why would you want to be croned once much less twice? I am still not getting it.
Can I be croned for the first time at 70 instead of 50? Claiming our wisdom is a constant process: One can never be croned too many times, and it’s never too late. I’ve been croned in a personal ceremony, with circle sisters on a weekend retreat, and with new and previously initiated crones in gatherings of 100-300 women. Each ceremony is a unique celebration, an opportunity to reaffirm old commitments and make new ones. That is a lot of crones.
Can I be croned in a group ceremony before I have my personal ceremony? Oh good grief.....
Yes; there is no order in which to be croned. Participating in large group cronings will often spark ideas for a personal ceremony and vice versa.
Do I have to have a crone name?
Many women take this opportunity to rename themselves or take a special name, but it is not a requirement. Some one has probably already taken Lady Morgana Willow-elf so you will have to come up with something different.
Do I have to make commitments?
Croning is a significant step, a recognition of wisdom gained through years lived. Although not required, I strongly encourage the new crone to act on her wisdom by making a three-fold commitment to healing--herself, her community (however she defines it), and the earth. This can be simple or elaborate, general or specific.
Guidelines for a Personal Ceremony Oh thank God there are guidelines
The ritual can follow a celebratory meal (save the dessert until after the ceremony)It can take half an hour to two hours HOLY CRAP! depending on the size of the group and how many people speak, please, PLEASE do not make me speak give gifts, etc.Use the ritual structure of your tradition (or contact me for a general outline);
Select songs and chants that feature old women, crones "100 bottles of beer on the wall " is my choice
Call crone goddesses, ancestresses, crones of ancient times We are all going to hell...
Decide what will symbolize the initiation--a flower or star garland crown, a crone staff, a cloak or shawl, a ribbon or flower lei, a special gourd I personally would want a wand, IF I was ever going to do this. Don't panic Erin I am not going to get croned and embarrass you in front of all of your friends by announcing that I have done so.
Decide what will be used to represent the passage (a birthing into cronehood)--a gateway, threshold, curtain, a woman’s legs (she stands on a chair) what?
If people will be present who don’t understand the significance of the ceremony or of reclaiming the once-revered designation of crone, give a brief explanation. That would be me-cowering in the back waiting for the wrath of God to strike us all.
Everyone participates in honoring the new crone--written or verbal blessings, stories of her wisdom, poetry, song, chant, drumming, dancing (building toward the moment of croning) I am NOT dancing, chanting, drumming, or rattling. Out of my comfort zone.
The new crone crosses the threshold, emerges between the legs WHAT?, parts the curtain
Once on the other side she can be anointed with Hecate oil, rose petal water, rattled, wanded with lavender Trust me, I am rattled at this point for sure
The priestess asks for her crone name (if she is going to take one) and commitments
Then the priestess says some appropriate words and blessings as she presents the new crone with her symbol of initiation (placing the crown on her head, the cloak/shawl around her body, the staff or gourd in her hand) If we have not been zapped yet this is where it will happen...
Songs, chants, drumming/rattling
Other symbols and gifts can be presented to the new crone I am guessing some lovely handmade soaps are not the type of thing one presents to a new crone. Just a guess.
The new crone speaks her wisdom, gratitude, expands on her commitments
End the ritual in the traditional manner
Celebrate with food and drink
Enjoy the afterglow ICK
This is just one of many possible ways to conduct a ceremony.
I hope I don't start giggling like an idiot during this whole thing. Clearly I am way too Midwestern to be comfortable with all of this.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Yep - I am that girl
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I had Nutella prior to the big trip to Italy, but had the American made version...not the Italian kind. There is a difference.
While we were in Italy I tried to pack as much Nutella eating as possible into each day....Nutella Gelato in Venice, Nutella on my morning bagette in Florence, Nutella crepes in front of the Pantheon. Yum-O!
When we got back to the good ol' US of A, I picked up some at the local Safeway. While it was certainly Nutella, it wasn't my Nutella.
And then I found an Italian market that imports the real thing.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day

This close to our nation's capital, the emphasis on Memorial Day is not as much about cooking out or starting the summer. It is about remembering the fallen heroes who have fought for our country.
There were lots and lots of events from the President laying the wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldiers to Rolling Thunder. All were totally appropriate as was the prayers we offered during church on Sunday to remember those fallen heroes and those serving in our country.
Let us not forget to also pray for peace in our time.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Dirty tricks may come and go
Thursday, May 08, 2008
My head did not blow up - but it could have!
Since Steve has blogged about the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival, I thought I probably should as well.
What I bought:
2 skeins of Tilli Thomas Plie in Burnt Orange. It is not really burnt orange, more of a rust. A lovely yarn of 100% silk with glass beads interspersed through out. What I am going to do with it I have no idea. Right now I am thinking an ascot - but I might use it as an edging on a sweater.
1 Hank of mohair in peach (sorry Erin) from Puckerbrush Farm. No link I am sad to say, but trust me it is be-U-ti-ful! And as soft as a cloud.
1 kit on how to make felted flowers from roving (unspun wool). Sue and I each bought one so we will have to schedule a craft day.
Steve and Mike were as well behaved as we expected. I don't think either one of them expected that many people to be there. I did take some pictures of some really cute pygmy goats. No fainting goats much to my grave disappointment. It is probably a good thing; I just would have wanted one, Steve would have said no, and there we would have been: Me with no fainting goat and hacked off about it. Yes, it is a good thing there were none there.
Another disappointment was there was no tomato vine yarn. It had all sold out by the time we found the booth. There was some that was called "grubs" and it was as gross as it sounds.
Last night I went on a Myster Dinner (yes another one) and we ended up in Old Town Alexandria and made wine! It was great fun and I can hardly wait for 6 weeks to go by so we can go back and bottle it and label it. It was with the Southern Maryland Women's League and we get to design our own labels for the wine. Then we went to a candy shop and had chocolate and champagne (because life is short - eat dessert first!) and then to Underwoods, which apparently the new trendy place to be. Since there was no grandbaby being born, I did not buy a round in his honor.
Be proud of my restraint at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival....I know I was!
What I bought:
2 skeins of Tilli Thomas Plie in Burnt Orange. It is not really burnt orange, more of a rust. A lovely yarn of 100% silk with glass beads interspersed through out. What I am going to do with it I have no idea. Right now I am thinking an ascot - but I might use it as an edging on a sweater.
1 Hank of mohair in peach (sorry Erin) from Puckerbrush Farm. No link I am sad to say, but trust me it is be-U-ti-ful! And as soft as a cloud.
1 kit on how to make felted flowers from roving (unspun wool). Sue and I each bought one so we will have to schedule a craft day.
Steve and Mike were as well behaved as we expected. I don't think either one of them expected that many people to be there. I did take some pictures of some really cute pygmy goats. No fainting goats much to my grave disappointment. It is probably a good thing; I just would have wanted one, Steve would have said no, and there we would have been: Me with no fainting goat and hacked off about it. Yes, it is a good thing there were none there.
Another disappointment was there was no tomato vine yarn. It had all sold out by the time we found the booth. There was some that was called "grubs" and it was as gross as it sounds.
Last night I went on a Myster Dinner (yes another one) and we ended up in Old Town Alexandria and made wine! It was great fun and I can hardly wait for 6 weeks to go by so we can go back and bottle it and label it. It was with the Southern Maryland Women's League and we get to design our own labels for the wine. Then we went to a candy shop and had chocolate and champagne (because life is short - eat dessert first!) and then to Underwoods, which apparently the new trendy place to be. Since there was no grandbaby being born, I did not buy a round in his honor.
Be proud of my restraint at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival....I know I was!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

Mike, Sue's husband, and Steve are going with us. I am not sure that their hearts will sing with joy as will ours (love that phrase Erin). However, they did promise, albeit after several scotchs, that they would go with us. I have a feeling it will be an "Affair of the Heart" type atmosphere only with sheep. How could that not be a good time!?!
There will be sheep shearing contests and dog herding contests (can I borrow Daisy?) which should keep them entertained for about, oh, seven minutes. I guess they will have to content themselves with people watching for the rest of the time. I expect it will be the parade of humanity as those types of events usually are.
I will take my camera for live action shots of Steve and Mike dozing on a bench.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I am a big dummy
The cable to the modem came loose. Steve re-attached it and now we have phone and internet.
Yes - I feel like a big goober.
Yes - I feel like a big goober.
Monday, April 28, 2008
If you are looking for me...
Call me on my cell phone. Our home phone modem is shot so we have neither phone nor Internet service. Thank God the TV still works.....
Saturday night Sue and I went to a bachelor auction. (Now before everyone gets all excited, there were really only 4 bachelors on the block out of about 25 "items." The rest were things like landscaping, gym memberships with a personal trainer etc.) Sue and I pooled our resources and bought a Potomac River cruise for 6 that includes appetizers and drinks on the boat and then a crab feast at the home of the couple who donated the cruise. Yes, we are taking our cute husbands and one other couple.
This was an event that neither one of us wanted to go to. We really kind of had to talk each other into it, but, since we had purchased tickets and told another friend we would go, we felt like we had to go. Sue picked me up in her "classic" (i.e. old) Mercedes two seater. We were driving up 301 thinking we were all cute and sassy when the trunk flew open. Our cuteness and sassy-ness ended real quick when we both freaked out. Then all we could do is crack up at ourselves the rest of the way up the road. By the time it was all said and done we were glad we went.
This morning I opened my e-mail to find that I have been invited to a Pajama Party on the June 6 complete with chocolate martinis. I guess I will have to come up with something other than one of Steve's old T-shirts and a pair of flannel pants to wear. I am seriously considering footed pajamas, but I don't know how this group would roll with that.
Saturday night Sue and I went to a bachelor auction. (Now before everyone gets all excited, there were really only 4 bachelors on the block out of about 25 "items." The rest were things like landscaping, gym memberships with a personal trainer etc.) Sue and I pooled our resources and bought a Potomac River cruise for 6 that includes appetizers and drinks on the boat and then a crab feast at the home of the couple who donated the cruise. Yes, we are taking our cute husbands and one other couple.
This was an event that neither one of us wanted to go to. We really kind of had to talk each other into it, but, since we had purchased tickets and told another friend we would go, we felt like we had to go. Sue picked me up in her "classic" (i.e. old) Mercedes two seater. We were driving up 301 thinking we were all cute and sassy when the trunk flew open. Our cuteness and sassy-ness ended real quick when we both freaked out. Then all we could do is crack up at ourselves the rest of the way up the road. By the time it was all said and done we were glad we went.
This morning I opened my e-mail to find that I have been invited to a Pajama Party on the June 6 complete with chocolate martinis. I guess I will have to come up with something other than one of Steve's old T-shirts and a pair of flannel pants to wear. I am seriously considering footed pajamas, but I don't know how this group would roll with that.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

The annual Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in Saturday, May 3, 2008. On my list of things to look for is the above hand spun yarn named "Tomato Vine." I have no idea what I will do with it once I purchase it other than laugh every time I look at it.
Which really makes it totally worth the purchase price.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A New World's Record
Today was destined to be one of those days. You know the ones I mean: nothing turns out quite like we think it ought and we are generally out of sorts for the duration.
I had to be in Leonardtown at 7:00 this morning. This means I had to leave my house at 6 a.m. We were not amused.
So I go to the Leonardtown Rotary meeting at 7 a.m. (the second Rotary meeting I have attended in the past week) where I listen to the coordinators of one of our programs proceed to tell the group that we really don't have anything to do with their program - they just basically rent space from us. CLUE: HUGE No-No.
After my head stopped spinning and my eyeballs returned to their sockets I had to get up try to speak civilly about how wrong this pin head was. Fun Times.
I then go to the Leonardtown office where the first thing I see is a big poster on OUR door promoting and fund raising event for a DIFFERENT non-profit. What. the. hell. As Erin would say/write.
After that was fixed, I got in my car to come back to the office (by this time it is 10:30) I receive a call that my boss has decided that she wants me to write a grant. A grant that is due by noon tomorrow.
Well boys and girls, it is 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I have just finished said grant and made all 16 copies that are required.
I am going home to hide under my blanket now.
I had to be in Leonardtown at 7:00 this morning. This means I had to leave my house at 6 a.m. We were not amused.
So I go to the Leonardtown Rotary meeting at 7 a.m. (the second Rotary meeting I have attended in the past week) where I listen to the coordinators of one of our programs proceed to tell the group that we really don't have anything to do with their program - they just basically rent space from us. CLUE: HUGE No-No.
After my head stopped spinning and my eyeballs returned to their sockets I had to get up try to speak civilly about how wrong this pin head was. Fun Times.
I then go to the Leonardtown office where the first thing I see is a big poster on OUR door promoting and fund raising event for a DIFFERENT non-profit. What. the. hell. As Erin would say/write.
After that was fixed, I got in my car to come back to the office (by this time it is 10:30) I receive a call that my boss has decided that she wants me to write a grant. A grant that is due by noon tomorrow.
Well boys and girls, it is 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I have just finished said grant and made all 16 copies that are required.
I am going home to hide under my blanket now.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Since my father fussed at me for not updating my blog....update I shall.
Of course the most fascinating and exciting thing that has happened is the arrival of Max and his large feet. That is the first thing that everyone tells me about him. The pictures on Andrea's blog confirm that Max's feet are indeed ginormous.
Thursday night while Andrea was in the throes of Labor (this word should always be capitalized when used in this context. Ask any mother.), I was in Little Italy in Baltimore having a cooking class and drinking wine. Quite a lot of wine as it turns out. I ended up buying a round in honor of Max's impending arrival, much to the dismay of my husband when I told him how much said round had cost. No new shoes for me for a month or six. But it is not everyday when one has the opportunity to celebrate in such a manner!
Saturday night Steve and I attended the Wild Turkey Federation Dinner with Sue and Mike. This is not, as Erin assumed, a dinner given over to the consumption of Wild Turkey. In her defense, since I called her several times Thursday to check on Andrea (during above mentioned debauchery) I can understand why this was a natural conclusion on her part. But no, this was a dinner honoring the sport of hunting wild turkeys. It might have been more interesting had we actually consumed said beverage. Never have I attended a more patriotic event with so many guns being raffled away. I almost won a cane with a wild turkey head, but I was outbid by $5. God was truly with me that evening.
Sunday Steve was good and I was bad. I did not attend church. I did, however, get to speak to Theodorable quite a while. He told me he had turned his ears off and had earned a spot in time out for that. Then "we" talked about monkeys jumping on beds, trains, Max, Erin, monkeys some more, trains some more, and then we were finished. Pretty funny stuff!
This week is another crazy meeting-ever-day week so it is very possible that I will not be updating for a day or two. Don't fret: I will get around to it!
Of course the most fascinating and exciting thing that has happened is the arrival of Max and his large feet. That is the first thing that everyone tells me about him. The pictures on Andrea's blog confirm that Max's feet are indeed ginormous.
Thursday night while Andrea was in the throes of Labor (this word should always be capitalized when used in this context. Ask any mother.), I was in Little Italy in Baltimore having a cooking class and drinking wine. Quite a lot of wine as it turns out. I ended up buying a round in honor of Max's impending arrival, much to the dismay of my husband when I told him how much said round had cost. No new shoes for me for a month or six. But it is not everyday when one has the opportunity to celebrate in such a manner!
Saturday night Steve and I attended the Wild Turkey Federation Dinner with Sue and Mike. This is not, as Erin assumed, a dinner given over to the consumption of Wild Turkey. In her defense, since I called her several times Thursday to check on Andrea (during above mentioned debauchery) I can understand why this was a natural conclusion on her part. But no, this was a dinner honoring the sport of hunting wild turkeys. It might have been more interesting had we actually consumed said beverage. Never have I attended a more patriotic event with so many guns being raffled away. I almost won a cane with a wild turkey head, but I was outbid by $5. God was truly with me that evening.
Sunday Steve was good and I was bad. I did not attend church. I did, however, get to speak to Theodorable quite a while. He told me he had turned his ears off and had earned a spot in time out for that. Then "we" talked about monkeys jumping on beds, trains, Max, Erin, monkeys some more, trains some more, and then we were finished. Pretty funny stuff!
This week is another crazy meeting-ever-day week so it is very possible that I will not be updating for a day or two. Don't fret: I will get around to it!
Thursday, March 20, 2008

I have no idea what gourmet delight is surrounded by this magnificent Crown o' Wieners. Does it even really matter?
UPDATE: Just found out that the gourmet delight surrounded by Crown o' Wieners is sauerkraut! YUM-O!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Apparently, you have to hold your mouth just right
Monday, March 03, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Sqare Shape Song
I had the opportunity to sing this song yesterday with a group of young friends. Trust me: hilarity ensued. So I am passing it on to you so you too can hold a square shape and jump, jump, jump.
We had laminated square shapes (mine was yellow, of course. I didn't even have to bite anyone to get it) and after sittng "criss cross applesauce" to begin with, we sat with our legs straight out to more easily facilitate putting our square shapes on our toes.
(Sung to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Put your square shape in the air
Hold it high and keep it there.
Put your square shape on your back
Now please lay it in your lap.
Put your square shape on your toes
Now please hold it by your nose.
Hold your square shape in your hand,
Now will everyone please stand.
Wave your square shape at the door,
Now please lay it on the floor.
Hold your square shape and jump, jump, jump.
Now throw your square shape way way up!
Please commence.
We had laminated square shapes (mine was yellow, of course. I didn't even have to bite anyone to get it) and after sittng "criss cross applesauce" to begin with, we sat with our legs straight out to more easily facilitate putting our square shapes on our toes.
(Sung to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Put your square shape in the air
Hold it high and keep it there.
Put your square shape on your back
Now please lay it in your lap.
Put your square shape on your toes
Now please hold it by your nose.
Hold your square shape in your hand,
Now will everyone please stand.
Wave your square shape at the door,
Now please lay it on the floor.
Hold your square shape and jump, jump, jump.
Now throw your square shape way way up!
Please commence.
Friday, February 22, 2008
It's our turn
Maryland has been hit with a sheet of ice. As of right now, I am supposed to go to work at 10, but that could change if the weather worsens (and it is supposed to...I think).
Since I have been home with the 48 hour Bubonic Plague, I really don't mind at all. I have my new lap top, plenty to knit and/or sew, a little wretched dog who is always more than happy to take a nap with me, and stuff to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
AND my husband made me tomato soup last night using Pioneer Woman's recipe. It was YUM-O! He used fat-free half and half, lots less butter and it was fabulous. He even liked it and he doesn't care for tomato soup. He just made it because I am sick and he knew I would enjoy it.
Thanks honey for taking such good care of me!
Since I have been home with the 48 hour Bubonic Plague, I really don't mind at all. I have my new lap top, plenty to knit and/or sew, a little wretched dog who is always more than happy to take a nap with me, and stuff to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
AND my husband made me tomato soup last night using Pioneer Woman's recipe. It was YUM-O! He used fat-free half and half, lots less butter and it was fabulous. He even liked it and he doesn't care for tomato soup. He just made it because I am sick and he knew I would enjoy it.
Thanks honey for taking such good care of me!
Monday, February 18, 2008
I have the best husband
How do I know this to be true? Because I am typing this on my new lap top said wonderful husband purchased!
Too exciting!
Too exciting!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Please let me explain.....
we are planning a June excursion to Ocean City! With all our wonderful children and our (soon to be) two precious grandchildren!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Whis was/is Sam Hill and why do we use his name in vain?
Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism for "Hell", or "Damn" (as in, "What in the Sam Hill is that?"). Its etymology is uncertain, however it first appeared in print in America in the Seattle Times Newspaper in reference to James J. Hill (Jim Hill). Jim Hill was the legendary "empire builder", whose railroads included the Great Northern Railway (U.S.). He was a man given to notable rages when anyone dared to oppose one of his grandiose schemes. So frequent were these tirades that the paper carried as a standing headline: "Jim Hill is as mad as Sam Hill."
Other published usages include "go like Sam Hill" or "run like Sam Hill" - in reference to Colonel Samuel Hill of Guilford, Connecticut who perpetually ran for office in the late 19th Century.[1] However, he was apparently so unsuccessful that except for a brief mention in the Encyclopedia of American Politics, 1946 edition, there is scarce evidence that he existed.[2]
Another explanation links the phrase to Sam Hill, an Abenaki Indian basket maker who lived near Saratoga Springs, NY in the early 19th century, known for the baskets he sold to tourists and for his disheveled appearance.[3]
Others have suggested that the "Sam" in the phrase derives from Samiel, the name of the Devil in Der Freischütz, an opera by Carl Maria von Weber that was performed in New York in 1825.[4]
Ultimately, the expression may simply be derived from a bowdlerization or alliteration of "hell" with "hill" when used in 19th century America by frontiersmen, especially when they needed to clean up their language in the presence of ladies.[5]
The alternate history webcomic Roswell, Texas refers to "Sam Hill" as being a Texican monument (in the story's continuity, the Republic of Texas did not join the United States, but remained a nation unto itself) similar to Mount Rushmore, but bearing the faces of four Texas heroes named 'Sam': Sam Houston, Sam Walker, Sam Colt and Sam Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain.
The Oxford English Dictionary indicates that the origin is unknown. That is probably more reliable than any of the above sources.
Other published usages include "go like Sam Hill" or "run like Sam Hill" - in reference to Colonel Samuel Hill of Guilford, Connecticut who perpetually ran for office in the late 19th Century.[1] However, he was apparently so unsuccessful that except for a brief mention in the Encyclopedia of American Politics, 1946 edition, there is scarce evidence that he existed.[2]
Another explanation links the phrase to Sam Hill, an Abenaki Indian basket maker who lived near Saratoga Springs, NY in the early 19th century, known for the baskets he sold to tourists and for his disheveled appearance.[3]
Others have suggested that the "Sam" in the phrase derives from Samiel, the name of the Devil in Der Freischütz, an opera by Carl Maria von Weber that was performed in New York in 1825.[4]
Ultimately, the expression may simply be derived from a bowdlerization or alliteration of "hell" with "hill" when used in 19th century America by frontiersmen, especially when they needed to clean up their language in the presence of ladies.[5]
The alternate history webcomic Roswell, Texas refers to "Sam Hill" as being a Texican monument (in the story's continuity, the Republic of Texas did not join the United States, but remained a nation unto itself) similar to Mount Rushmore, but bearing the faces of four Texas heroes named 'Sam': Sam Houston, Sam Walker, Sam Colt and Sam Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain.
The Oxford English Dictionary indicates that the origin is unknown. That is probably more reliable than any of the above sources.
Friday, February 08, 2008
What the Sam Hill is going on?
What is with this rash of people whipping out their guns and killing folks?!? Students killing fellow students and teachers, husbands killing wives, teachers killing students....we have a full-on crazy happening here people!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Ash Wednesday
I will walk from Eden to Gethsemane
I will listen to the Word
I will pray for strength and courage
I will accept the feelings stirred;
I will look upon temptation
I will look into my heart
I will catch each judging comment
I will understand my part;
I will sing in my abundance
I will cry with those who mourn
I will share what I have witnessed
I will know myself reborn;
I will love my fearful spirit
I will hang upon the cross
I will die, and lie, transforming
I will rise above the dross;
I will learn that I am worthy
I will teach the Love that comes
I will walk from Eden to Gethsemane
I will see them both as One.
I will listen to the Word
I will pray for strength and courage
I will accept the feelings stirred;
I will look upon temptation
I will look into my heart
I will catch each judging comment
I will understand my part;
I will sing in my abundance
I will cry with those who mourn
I will share what I have witnessed
I will know myself reborn;
I will love my fearful spirit
I will hang upon the cross
I will die, and lie, transforming
I will rise above the dross;
I will learn that I am worthy
I will teach the Love that comes
I will walk from Eden to Gethsemane
I will see them both as One.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Romantic Roma
To ensure that we return, Steve and I tossed the appropriate amount of coinage into the appropiate fountain.

The olive trees were beautiful

The forum - in the very way back is where Julius Ceasar was stabbed.

The Coloseum

Needless to say, these are not all of the pictures that we took - just the tip of the tip of the proverbial iceberg!

The olive trees were beautiful

The forum - in the very way back is where Julius Ceasar was stabbed.

The Coloseum

Needless to say, these are not all of the pictures that we took - just the tip of the tip of the proverbial iceberg!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Andiamo (let's go) to Pisa and Orvieto!
I realize this is not the greatest picture in the world of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. However, it was the best I could do under the conditions!

Yep. Still leaning.

Here are beautiful olive groves along the way to Orvieto

Orvieto is charming. It is a town carved into a "mountain." I would go back here in a heart beat.

While in Orvieto, we had lunch at a wonderful restaurant in a grotto. The truffle pasta might have been ONE of my favorite dishes!

Yep. Still leaning.

Here are beautiful olive groves along the way to Orvieto

Orvieto is charming. It is a town carved into a "mountain." I would go back here in a heart beat.

While in Orvieto, we had lunch at a wonderful restaurant in a grotto. The truffle pasta might have been ONE of my favorite dishes!

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Forever Florence
The beautiful countryside.

the city bathed in the warm glow of a sunset (do I wax too poetic?)...

and the promise that if you touch a certain pigs nose you will return.

We also saw the tomb of Michaelangelo.

The inside of the duomo of Santa Maria was magnificent.

I have no idea the name of this statue but my husband has decided it should be called "Unfair Fight."

I think that Dante (as depicted in stone here) would agree that flying for 11 hours jammed in a too small seat should be added as one of the circles of hell.

the city bathed in the warm glow of a sunset (do I wax too poetic?)...

and the promise that if you touch a certain pigs nose you will return.

We also saw the tomb of Michaelangelo.

The inside of the duomo of Santa Maria was magnificent.

I have no idea the name of this statue but my husband has decided it should be called "Unfair Fight."

I think that Dante (as depicted in stone here) would agree that flying for 11 hours jammed in a too small seat should be added as one of the circles of hell.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ah, Venice
Home of Carnival and mysterious masks....

Charming canals...

Winding, narrow streets lit from above...

Romantic gondola rides...

St. Marks sqare that features a statue of St. Theodore slaying a dragon (I wonder if his Mimi called him Theodorable?)...

Oh yes! And that dashing young Italian chef who is planning on opening a restaurant in Alexandria VA

This is the one to whom I promised Erin's hand in marriage. I don't think that it would hold up in a court of law because there was molto wine and limoncello involved in the entire conversation. That and my Italian was about as good as his English.

Charming canals...

Winding, narrow streets lit from above...

Romantic gondola rides...

St. Marks sqare that features a statue of St. Theodore slaying a dragon (I wonder if his Mimi called him Theodorable?)...

Oh yes! And that dashing young Italian chef who is planning on opening a restaurant in Alexandria VA

This is the one to whom I promised Erin's hand in marriage. I don't think that it would hold up in a court of law because there was molto wine and limoncello involved in the entire conversation. That and my Italian was about as good as his English.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Frankfurters in Frankfurt
Caio my little friends
We are home and very very tired. But we had a fabulous time! I have so many favorites that it will take me a day or two to sort them all out.
I can tell you that my first meal in Europe was in Frankfurter and I had....(wait for it)....frankfurters. I of course took a picture and will share soon.
I can tell you that my first meal in Europe was in Frankfurter and I had....(wait for it)....frankfurters. I of course took a picture and will share soon.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Bon Voyage
My next post will be filled with giddy descriptions of our trip to Italy - we leave tomorrow! To say that I am excited would be a gross understatement.
Please pray for our safe travel.
Please pray for our safe travel.
Monday, January 07, 2008
I have decided to Knit
Yes, just like that, I have decided that I am a knitter. No-I have decided I want to be a knitter. Hence the fearless knitting in 2008 button there at the right.
I am in the process of knitting a red scarf in a basket weave pattern. I have no idea upon whom I shall inflict said scarf. It's not the greatest in the world, but I am having a good time doing it! My friend Sue knit me a darling purse for Christmas and inspired me. She assures me that I can do this so: onward!
I am in the process of knitting a red scarf in a basket weave pattern. I have no idea upon whom I shall inflict said scarf. It's not the greatest in the world, but I am having a good time doing it! My friend Sue knit me a darling purse for Christmas and inspired me. She assures me that I can do this so: onward!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I am better....I think
I think the strep part is fine - now it seems to be the antibiotic that is getting to me! I have not been able to sleep at all since I have been taking it. Weird.
Today I started my list for packing. As we all know, I love a good list. For that matter, I love a bad list; I just love lists. I have my carry on packed with one outfit and jammies in case my suitcase ends up in Iberia (even though Spain is close by) and I have to punt the first night. How horrible would it be not to get my suitcase and have to buy all new stuff?!?!?
I have not yet picked out my reading material for this trip. The problem is that I read too darn fast. I can knock off a paperback or 3 on the way to Oklahoma! I really do not want to have to cart that much reading material with me. I am downloading a book from iTunes (THANK YOU MAUER FAMILY) for my iPod. Please suggest something to read on the trip/and or listen to...I need lots of suggestions!
Today I started my list for packing. As we all know, I love a good list. For that matter, I love a bad list; I just love lists. I have my carry on packed with one outfit and jammies in case my suitcase ends up in Iberia (even though Spain is close by) and I have to punt the first night. How horrible would it be not to get my suitcase and have to buy all new stuff?!?!?
I have not yet picked out my reading material for this trip. The problem is that I read too darn fast. I can knock off a paperback or 3 on the way to Oklahoma! I really do not want to have to cart that much reading material with me. I am downloading a book from iTunes (THANK YOU MAUER FAMILY) for my iPod. Please suggest something to read on the trip/and or listen to...I need lots of suggestions!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
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