Just a little something to make you dance through Monday!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Friends of Barbaro to meet
KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. - The fans who prayed daily for Barbaro and sent online messages of support never were able to get together to celebrate his recovery. This weekend, those fans will put away their keyboards to meet and honor his memory.
The Kentucky Derby-winning colt became a symbol of strength and courage before he was euthanized in January. Now, fans from around the world who sent cards, roses and fruit baskets finally will pay tribute to him Sunday on what would have been the horse’s fourth birthday.
“Just be warned,” said fan Sharon Crumb. “It’s going to be very emotional. I don’t think there’s going to be a dry eye.”
Crumb organized the “Celebration of Barbaro’s Life” on Sunday at Delaware Park, where Barbaro won his maiden race on Oct. 4, 2005. She’ll have some company. More than 500 FOBs — that’s Internet message board lingo for Fans of Barbaro — have committed to attending a day of racing, sharing stories and paying respects.
“I can’t let Barbaro go,” a choked-up Crumb said. “I won’t let Barbaro go.” OK YOU NEED A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL
None of the FOBs will forget Barbaro, who was euthanized after complications from his gruesome breakdown at last year’s Preakness. Throughout nearly all his eight-month ordeal, those devoted fans met online at www.timwoolleyracing.com and found comfort in each other over their often-unexplainable and deeply felt bond to the champion horse.
“You didn’t feel alone,” Crumb said. “You felt like you were one big family. At the time, it was like medicine. A lot of people didn’t understand. Even my own family didn’t understand.” They understand YOU ARE A NUT.
Exercise rider Alex Brown created the chat room on trainer Tim Woolley’s Web site for racing fans. Brown is a rider at the Fair Hill Training Center in Elkton, Md., where Michael Matz trained Barbaro. After Barbaro’s injury, traffic spiked to more than 15,000 daily visits because of his updates on Barbaro’s condition.
Brown said his Web site still receives about 6,000 daily hits.
“When Barbaro was euthanized, I presumed that the Barbaro project would be over,” he said. “It wasn’t long after that I realized how wrong I was.”
The messages used to be about lighting candles, offering (sometimes odd) advice to the medical staff at the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center or telling Barbaro how proud they were of him — as if he could read. Now, the Web site serves as an organized platform for the FOBs to address more serious equine issues. They have raised about $250,000 and personally rescued about 580 horses, started fund drives for laminitis research and other equine diseases, and pressured lawmakers to pass anti-slaughter bills.
OK - is it me? Am I just a great big ol' poop, or have most of these folks fallen out of the their tree onto their heads?
The Kentucky Derby-winning colt became a symbol of strength and courage before he was euthanized in January. Now, fans from around the world who sent cards, roses and fruit baskets finally will pay tribute to him Sunday on what would have been the horse’s fourth birthday.
“Just be warned,” said fan Sharon Crumb. “It’s going to be very emotional. I don’t think there’s going to be a dry eye.”
Crumb organized the “Celebration of Barbaro’s Life” on Sunday at Delaware Park, where Barbaro won his maiden race on Oct. 4, 2005. She’ll have some company. More than 500 FOBs — that’s Internet message board lingo for Fans of Barbaro — have committed to attending a day of racing, sharing stories and paying respects.
“I can’t let Barbaro go,” a choked-up Crumb said. “I won’t let Barbaro go.” OK YOU NEED A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL
None of the FOBs will forget Barbaro, who was euthanized after complications from his gruesome breakdown at last year’s Preakness. Throughout nearly all his eight-month ordeal, those devoted fans met online at www.timwoolleyracing.com and found comfort in each other over their often-unexplainable and deeply felt bond to the champion horse.
“You didn’t feel alone,” Crumb said. “You felt like you were one big family. At the time, it was like medicine. A lot of people didn’t understand. Even my own family didn’t understand.” They understand YOU ARE A NUT.
Exercise rider Alex Brown created the chat room on trainer Tim Woolley’s Web site for racing fans. Brown is a rider at the Fair Hill Training Center in Elkton, Md., where Michael Matz trained Barbaro. After Barbaro’s injury, traffic spiked to more than 15,000 daily visits because of his updates on Barbaro’s condition.
Brown said his Web site still receives about 6,000 daily hits.
“When Barbaro was euthanized, I presumed that the Barbaro project would be over,” he said. “It wasn’t long after that I realized how wrong I was.”
The messages used to be about lighting candles, offering (sometimes odd) advice to the medical staff at the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center or telling Barbaro how proud they were of him — as if he could read. Now, the Web site serves as an organized platform for the FOBs to address more serious equine issues. They have raised about $250,000 and personally rescued about 580 horses, started fund drives for laminitis research and other equine diseases, and pressured lawmakers to pass anti-slaughter bills.
OK - is it me? Am I just a great big ol' poop, or have most of these folks fallen out of the their tree onto their heads?
There once was a girl I wish would move to Nantucket
Real eyeliner? She decided to chuck it
She uses a Sharpie
to look like a harpie
I want to stick her head in a bucket.
Real eyeliner? She decided to chuck it
She uses a Sharpie
to look like a harpie
I want to stick her head in a bucket.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
It's only Wednesday?
Are you sure? Because I feel like it should really be Friday.
Friday cannot come soon enough because it will be Game Night at the Seely household! That's right: another long held Oklahoma tradition brought to the unwashed masses here in Maryland.
We will not be playing our patented form of crazy dominoes where we all cheat like weasels. Rather we shall be playing Apples to Apples with David and Betty (Episcopal priest, recent recipient of his doctoral degree from Oxford and his lovely bride a former teacher from Louisiana), Mike and Alicia (he is some computer guru for the Government and she is an opera singer), Sue and Mike (she runs her own construction business, carves duck decoys for which people pay thousands of dollars, and he has a commercial fishing business that includes the boat that was used in "A Perfect Storm" which, PS, he also captained for the film) and Steve (President of a "major privately held business" and diaconate candidate) and me (uh...yeah). I plan on whipping their butts one and all...I mean a major smack down
David's book was recently picked up by a publisher and he received the final artwork for the cover today. We are celebrating by having game night, pizza, and whatever wine one drinks while trying to keep up with the brainiacs. I have to behave because on Saturday we are having the (Fanfare music inserted here please, preferably bagpipes) The Diocese of Washington Annual Day of the Order of the Daughters of the King at our little parish. Since I am president of our chapter, I think I have an obligation not to look like something the cat coughed up.
Also, Steve and I are leaving for Philadelphia immediately after this event, and there is no fate than driving for a long period of time after an evening of over-training. I feel queasy just thinking about it in fact. Not that I have ever done that, mind you. I have just heard.
Steve has a meeting all day Sunday so I might be hitting this exhibit. Then back to our lovely home Sunday night. A fast and furious trip, but one that I am sure will be fun. I know all of our children are soooo very sorry that they will not be along to hear all of the songs that we will make up on the way and sing at the top of our lungs. Maybe we will make a CD for you and that can be your Christmas present from us this year.
Friday cannot come soon enough because it will be Game Night at the Seely household! That's right: another long held Oklahoma tradition brought to the unwashed masses here in Maryland.
We will not be playing our patented form of crazy dominoes where we all cheat like weasels. Rather we shall be playing Apples to Apples with David and Betty (Episcopal priest, recent recipient of his doctoral degree from Oxford and his lovely bride a former teacher from Louisiana), Mike and Alicia (he is some computer guru for the Government and she is an opera singer), Sue and Mike (she runs her own construction business, carves duck decoys for which people pay thousands of dollars, and he has a commercial fishing business that includes the boat that was used in "A Perfect Storm" which, PS, he also captained for the film) and Steve (President of a "major privately held business" and diaconate candidate) and me (uh...yeah). I plan on whipping their butts one and all...I mean a major smack down
David's book was recently picked up by a publisher and he received the final artwork for the cover today. We are celebrating by having game night, pizza, and whatever wine one drinks while trying to keep up with the brainiacs. I have to behave because on Saturday we are having the (Fanfare music inserted here please, preferably bagpipes) The Diocese of Washington Annual Day of the Order of the Daughters of the King at our little parish. Since I am president of our chapter, I think I have an obligation not to look like something the cat coughed up.
Also, Steve and I are leaving for Philadelphia immediately after this event, and there is no fate than driving for a long period of time after an evening of over-training. I feel queasy just thinking about it in fact. Not that I have ever done that, mind you. I have just heard.
Steve has a meeting all day Sunday so I might be hitting this exhibit. Then back to our lovely home Sunday night. A fast and furious trip, but one that I am sure will be fun. I know all of our children are soooo very sorry that they will not be along to hear all of the songs that we will make up on the way and sing at the top of our lungs. Maybe we will make a CD for you and that can be your Christmas present from us this year.
Monday, April 23, 2007
And so it begins.
This is the time of year when my job revs into high gear. In fact, I have a grant application and/or update due every Friday until June, an event planned for every month through December, and at least one meeting a day from now until the end of time.
The events are certainly a mixed bag this year! We have the:
obligatory Golf Tournament in June,
hosting a conference on infant mental health in July,
a Motorcycle Poker Run in August,
A Night at the Races (horse racs where participants "buy" the horse) in September
a HUGE event of epic proportions involving Casey Jones (one of Washingtonian Magazines top 100!) in October,
the setting up of the Festival of Lights in November,
the running of said Light Festival in December along with the Christmas Party for 300 children (ACK) and the initiation of First Night on December 31.
I will be sooooo ready for Italy in January!
The events are certainly a mixed bag this year! We have the:
obligatory Golf Tournament in June,
hosting a conference on infant mental health in July,
a Motorcycle Poker Run in August,
A Night at the Races (horse racs where participants "buy" the horse) in September
a HUGE event of epic proportions involving Casey Jones (one of Washingtonian Magazines top 100!) in October,
the setting up of the Festival of Lights in November,
the running of said Light Festival in December along with the Christmas Party for 300 children (ACK) and the initiation of First Night on December 31.
I will be sooooo ready for Italy in January!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Pandora's Box
I have seen the enemy and it is my closet.
I am simply dismayed at the amount of brown clothes I own. Don't get me wrong, brown is good, I look good in brown, brown is my friend. But I only have ONE yellow sweater in a sea of brown. Oh yes, there is the ubiquitous black and white, some navy (no baby blue for me I look pale and unusual in baby blue) quite a bit of red, and a lot of coral and turquoise, but brown seems to dominate. I mean, I have 5 brown tank tops; all various shades of brown. We are not talking just my fall and winter wardrobe here either. Brown is a big player in my spring and summer stuff as well.
This is sad indeed.
Therefore, I resolve to but the kibosh on brown clothing for the next four monthes. Steve always steers me to more color (periwinkle, I believe, is his favorite color on me) and I am going to follow his suggestions from now on. Of course, his suggestion will be that I put the kibosh on shopping as a whole. Silly boy.
The good news is that I have arranged my closet in such a way that even my little friend Abby would be proud of! Suits and dresses on one side, pants and skirts on the other followed by blouses; everything grouped by color, natch. Shoes on racks and arranged by color and function. Purses artfully arranged on the shelves along with the scarf/pashmina (are we supposed to be still wearing those? I do every once in a while and the Fashion Police haven't given me a citation yet) stack.
So see what the red shoes hath wrought? Organization at its finest.
Off to buy some colorful clothes....
I am simply dismayed at the amount of brown clothes I own. Don't get me wrong, brown is good, I look good in brown, brown is my friend. But I only have ONE yellow sweater in a sea of brown. Oh yes, there is the ubiquitous black and white, some navy (no baby blue for me I look pale and unusual in baby blue) quite a bit of red, and a lot of coral and turquoise, but brown seems to dominate. I mean, I have 5 brown tank tops; all various shades of brown. We are not talking just my fall and winter wardrobe here either. Brown is a big player in my spring and summer stuff as well.
This is sad indeed.
Therefore, I resolve to but the kibosh on brown clothing for the next four monthes. Steve always steers me to more color (periwinkle, I believe, is his favorite color on me) and I am going to follow his suggestions from now on. Of course, his suggestion will be that I put the kibosh on shopping as a whole. Silly boy.
The good news is that I have arranged my closet in such a way that even my little friend Abby would be proud of! Suits and dresses on one side, pants and skirts on the other followed by blouses; everything grouped by color, natch. Shoes on racks and arranged by color and function. Purses artfully arranged on the shelves along with the scarf/pashmina (are we supposed to be still wearing those? I do every once in a while and the Fashion Police haven't given me a citation yet) stack.
So see what the red shoes hath wrought? Organization at its finest.
Off to buy some colorful clothes....
Friday, April 20, 2007
So, on the advice from my youngest daughter, I have purchased a pair of red patent leather flats. I am sick in love with them and I think I am going to wear them every day for three weeks just like I would if I were 4. They are just that freakin' cute.
On other fronts, I did not experience any "educational" conversations like I had yesterday. Granted, it would be hard to top that one.
I did have the opportunity to sit out on the deck at the Crooked i at Chesapeake Beach with my shoes off and enjoy an iced tea (working - no toddy for the body when working) while watching the sail boats on the Bay. That was a little slice of heaven.
Off to coordinate my entire wardrobe around my new shoes...
On other fronts, I did not experience any "educational" conversations like I had yesterday. Granted, it would be hard to top that one.
I did have the opportunity to sit out on the deck at the Crooked i at Chesapeake Beach with my shoes off and enjoy an iced tea (working - no toddy for the body when working) while watching the sail boats on the Bay. That was a little slice of heaven.
Off to coordinate my entire wardrobe around my new shoes...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Just when you think it's safe...
You get a phone call to have a meeting at (drum roll please) Hooters.
Yes, I travel in the classiest of circles where we meet in refined establishments of grace and decorum.
I was early ("To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.T o be late is unacceptable." words to live by and engrave upon your heart,) so I went in and waited for the other parties to arrive. Turns out that it was a slow day at the Hooters in Waldorf so a waitress or three sat down to chat with me. Apparently I was an oddity in their world. Go figure.
It was a fascinating conversation quite frankly and I am not being facetious. Did you know that they make these things called a "chicken cutlet" to go in your bra to push everything up? It LOOKS like a chicken cutlet. Now who do you think the first gal was to rumage through her 'frig and think, "Hmmm...this chicken cutlet is just the thing to make my chest ever so perky!" and then proceeded to put the damn thing in her bra? She must not have been too stupid because now she is raking in the bucks from her faux poultry boob enhancers sold to Hooter girls and God Knows Who Else.
The meeting went well - Hooters is doing all of the food for free for our Motorcycle run in August. They even offered me a free Hooters shirt.
I declined. I just don't think I can pull it off in quite the same manner they did.
Yes, I travel in the classiest of circles where we meet in refined establishments of grace and decorum.
I was early ("To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.T o be late is unacceptable." words to live by and engrave upon your heart,) so I went in and waited for the other parties to arrive. Turns out that it was a slow day at the Hooters in Waldorf so a waitress or three sat down to chat with me. Apparently I was an oddity in their world. Go figure.
It was a fascinating conversation quite frankly and I am not being facetious. Did you know that they make these things called a "chicken cutlet" to go in your bra to push everything up? It LOOKS like a chicken cutlet. Now who do you think the first gal was to rumage through her 'frig and think, "Hmmm...this chicken cutlet is just the thing to make my chest ever so perky!" and then proceeded to put the damn thing in her bra? She must not have been too stupid because now she is raking in the bucks from her faux poultry boob enhancers sold to Hooter girls and God Knows Who Else.
The meeting went well - Hooters is doing all of the food for free for our Motorcycle run in August. They even offered me a free Hooters shirt.
I declined. I just don't think I can pull it off in quite the same manner they did.
This day is shaping up to be a non-event. Don't get me wrong - non-events are a good thing in my world these days.
I bought the famous Apples to Apples game this week and am planning a game night either tomorrow night or the next week-end. I think we all need a little frivolous entertainment in our lives right now with all that is going on in our world.
I am still planning on seeing the plasticized body exhibit this week-end. This has completely squicked everyone out. I think it will be fascinating. It had better be, because tickets are not cheap!
Unfortunate Sharpie Girl has been out sick most of the week, so I cannt regale you with stories of her latest antics. The Grasshoppers have been shopping with increasingly better choices than their original "Forever 21" legless tights and baby doll tops. At least they have not worn any of that nonsense to work lately. My work with them has been personally fulfilling. While not being little Ann Clones, they have risen above the Let's-all-dress-like-Brittney! mindset. The Executive Director even commented on their improved appearance. I just nodded sagely and smiled to myself.
I bought the famous Apples to Apples game this week and am planning a game night either tomorrow night or the next week-end. I think we all need a little frivolous entertainment in our lives right now with all that is going on in our world.
I am still planning on seeing the plasticized body exhibit this week-end. This has completely squicked everyone out. I think it will be fascinating. It had better be, because tickets are not cheap!
Unfortunate Sharpie Girl has been out sick most of the week, so I cannt regale you with stories of her latest antics. The Grasshoppers have been shopping with increasingly better choices than their original "Forever 21" legless tights and baby doll tops. At least they have not worn any of that nonsense to work lately. My work with them has been personally fulfilling. While not being little Ann Clones, they have risen above the Let's-all-dress-like-Brittney! mindset. The Executive Director even commented on their improved appearance. I just nodded sagely and smiled to myself.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tonight is the night!
In an entertaining evening illustrated with video clips, Paula Deen shares her infectious laugh, unabashed love of comfort food, and life's pure enjoyment with radio talk-show host Jim Bohannon
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Planning an educational Saturday
This coming Saturday, Steve will be attending some fascinating meeting on church finances at the Cathedral. I on the other hand will be broadening my educational horizons.
I plan to twirl through the Corcoran in the morning, and I will be attending this exhibit as well.
At 4 o'clock I am going to try to return to the Cathedral for the annual Kirkin o' the Tarten. This is the annual traditional blessing service of Scottish Tartans with bagpipes and drums.
Then I am going to go home and watch re-runs of Americas Funniest Home Videos to suck some of the smart cells out of my brain and balance things up.
I plan to twirl through the Corcoran in the morning, and I will be attending this exhibit as well.
At 4 o'clock I am going to try to return to the Cathedral for the annual Kirkin o' the Tarten. This is the annual traditional blessing service of Scottish Tartans with bagpipes and drums.
Then I am going to go home and watch re-runs of Americas Funniest Home Videos to suck some of the smart cells out of my brain and balance things up.
Monday, April 16, 2007
A Prayer for Virginia Tech
Almighty God, look with pity upon the sorrows of your
servants for whom we pray. Remember them, Lord, in mercy;
nourish them with patience; comfort them with a sense of your
goodness; lift up your countenance upon them; and give them
peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Taken from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979
Prayers for Vigil at time of Death
servants for whom we pray. Remember them, Lord, in mercy;
nourish them with patience; comfort them with a sense of your
goodness; lift up your countenance upon them; and give them
peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Taken from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979
Prayers for Vigil at time of Death
Kitchen stuff
Stolen from Mrs. Badger
In the kitchen with...Ann
Variety is the spice of life.
In my cupboard, I have this many spices: 2,000? I don't know. too freakin' many some days.
Rack or no rack? no rack - racks are for wimps and people WAY more organized than I
Alphabetize? HAHAHAHA!
Which spice do you use most often? Assuming salt and pepper don't count: taragon, wait - basil(fresh please), then again there's marjoram. I cannot pick one of my little friends. It would be like picking my faorite pair of shoes.
Which recipe? Have you met me?
It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Coffee or tea? Tea
Do you make coffee at home? Steve makes coffee. I have no idea how to make coffee and have to call someone else everytime I attempt it.
If you make tea, loose or in bags? Both.
How many kinds of tea do you have? between 1 and 49
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I use my stovetop: every day.
I use my oven: several times per week.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Soy or cow? None for me, thanks.
Skim or whole? skim is what's in the frig
How many gallons a week? 1/4 at the most
Three items in my freezer (right now):
soft shell crabs
cookie dough
Three things in my fridge (right now):
white truffle oil
crab dip
Item I am most chagrined about:
anything that I have thawed out, changed my mind about cooking that day and left to go bad. Boo!
Item I bet noone else has:
Fresh block of New York White Cheddar purchased at the Eastern Market this week-end
In the kitchen with...Ann
Variety is the spice of life.
In my cupboard, I have this many spices: 2,000? I don't know. too freakin' many some days.
Rack or no rack? no rack - racks are for wimps and people WAY more organized than I
Alphabetize? HAHAHAHA!
Which spice do you use most often? Assuming salt and pepper don't count: taragon, wait - basil(fresh please), then again there's marjoram. I cannot pick one of my little friends. It would be like picking my faorite pair of shoes.
Which recipe? Have you met me?
It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Coffee or tea? Tea
Do you make coffee at home? Steve makes coffee. I have no idea how to make coffee and have to call someone else everytime I attempt it.
If you make tea, loose or in bags? Both.
How many kinds of tea do you have? between 1 and 49
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I use my stovetop: every day.
I use my oven: several times per week.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Soy or cow? None for me, thanks.
Skim or whole? skim is what's in the frig
How many gallons a week? 1/4 at the most
Three items in my freezer (right now):
soft shell crabs
cookie dough
Three things in my fridge (right now):
white truffle oil
crab dip
Item I am most chagrined about:
anything that I have thawed out, changed my mind about cooking that day and left to go bad. Boo!
Item I bet noone else has:
Fresh block of New York White Cheddar purchased at the Eastern Market this week-end
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sad news
HONOLULU - Legendary crooner Don Ho, who entertained tourists for decades wearing raspberry-tinted sunglasses and singing the catchy signature tune "Tiny Bubbles," has died. He was 76.
He died Saturday morning of heart failure, publicist Donna Jung said.
Ho had suffered with heart problems for the past several years, and had a pacemaker installed last fall. In 2005, he underwent an experimental stem cell procedure on his ailing heart in Thailand.
Ho entertained Hollywood's biggest stars and thousands of tourists for four decades. For many, no trip to Hawaii was complete without seeing his Waikiki show _ a mix of songs, jokes, double entendres, Hawaii history and audience participation.
Shows usually started and ended with the same song, "Tiny Bubbles." Ho mostly hummed the song's swaying melody as the audience enthusiastically took over the familiar lyrics: "Tiny bubbles/in the wine/make me happy/make me feel fine."
Combine this news with the fact that it is tax day and there is no real reason to get out of bed today.
He died Saturday morning of heart failure, publicist Donna Jung said.
Ho had suffered with heart problems for the past several years, and had a pacemaker installed last fall. In 2005, he underwent an experimental stem cell procedure on his ailing heart in Thailand.
Ho entertained Hollywood's biggest stars and thousands of tourists for four decades. For many, no trip to Hawaii was complete without seeing his Waikiki show _ a mix of songs, jokes, double entendres, Hawaii history and audience participation.
Shows usually started and ended with the same song, "Tiny Bubbles." Ho mostly hummed the song's swaying melody as the audience enthusiastically took over the familiar lyrics: "Tiny bubbles/in the wine/make me happy/make me feel fine."
Combine this news with the fact that it is tax day and there is no real reason to get out of bed today.
Friday, April 13, 2007
And what kind of day are you having?
I thought I was having a good one, but then Blogger ate my previous post. Apparently it was not blogger worthy, and therefore, was banished. That's OK - it really wasn't some of my better work.
Speaking of work, I am back at the grindstone today. The only thing that is making it bearable is that I have lots of Tito Puente on my iTunes today. That, and the fact that it is Friday the 13th so I am giving all the therapists a rash of stuff about all of the crazies they will have tonight while they are on call. They come in here to dance around to my Tito music and, so, I must abuse them. It's the price they pay for basking in my hipness (in reality, it is the price they pay for basking in Tito's hipness. I am merely hip by association).
Unfortunate Sharpie Girl actually came in and told me that she was glad I was back and seem to be feeling better. AND she did not have on her fake pony tail thing today and I complimented her on her hair (that whole positive reinforcement crap don't you know). She seemed somewhat pleased and left before saying anything that made me want to rip her lips off. SUCCESS!!!! By this time next year she will be an elegant young woman with impecible taste and class - my own little Eliza Doolittle!!!
Speaking of work, I am back at the grindstone today. The only thing that is making it bearable is that I have lots of Tito Puente on my iTunes today. That, and the fact that it is Friday the 13th so I am giving all the therapists a rash of stuff about all of the crazies they will have tonight while they are on call. They come in here to dance around to my Tito music and, so, I must abuse them. It's the price they pay for basking in my hipness (in reality, it is the price they pay for basking in Tito's hipness. I am merely hip by association).
Unfortunate Sharpie Girl actually came in and told me that she was glad I was back and seem to be feeling better. AND she did not have on her fake pony tail thing today and I complimented her on her hair (that whole positive reinforcement crap don't you know). She seemed somewhat pleased and left before saying anything that made me want to rip her lips off. SUCCESS!!!! By this time next year she will be an elegant young woman with impecible taste and class - my own little Eliza Doolittle!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I am officially sick
I have been to the doctor and it is been confirmed that I am officially sick. Now I can get down to the real whining.
I have an antibiotic and some cough medicine that will Help Me Sleep. I think that this is code for: "You are going to take this, fall into a deep coma-esque sleep and have incredibly freaky dreams. But you will feel better when you wake up four days from now."
I have an antibiotic and some cough medicine that will Help Me Sleep. I think that this is code for: "You are going to take this, fall into a deep coma-esque sleep and have incredibly freaky dreams. But you will feel better when you wake up four days from now."
WANTED: Nursemaid
Wanted: one nursemaid for 46 year old big baby
Qualifications: Must be able to withstand pitiful whining about not feeling good. Ability magically appear with a new kleenex box and a glass of orange juice a plus. Shark soup preparation non-negotiable. (if you do not know what shark soup is, please do not apply)
Education: MD required as patient is clearly a delicate flower; unless you are my mom or husband. Then you have the innate ability to make it all better.
Salary: my undying gratitude. In the case of Steve Seely, turn about is fair play.
Fax resume and 37 references to BR549, attention Big Whiny Baby.
Qualifications: Must be able to withstand pitiful whining about not feeling good. Ability magically appear with a new kleenex box and a glass of orange juice a plus. Shark soup preparation non-negotiable. (if you do not know what shark soup is, please do not apply)
Education: MD required as patient is clearly a delicate flower; unless you are my mom or husband. Then you have the innate ability to make it all better.
Salary: my undying gratitude. In the case of Steve Seely, turn about is fair play.
Fax resume and 37 references to BR549, attention Big Whiny Baby.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A side trip down memory lane
I just found out that it is the 60th Anniversary of "Good Night Moon."
I cannot recall how many times I read:
"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon.
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.
Goodnight light, and the red balloon..."
to a sweet sleepy child. I know that Erin, stickler for detail that she is, would always catch me if I tried to leave anything out. John Forrest would have preferred the Bruno the Beagle book, but was a good sport about hearing another story.
I understand that the book has been made into a video. I think is a crime against humanity and whoever came up with this horrible idea should be spanked and sent to bed with absolutely NO story.
Thanks Sweet Pea and Doodle Bug for giving me those nice memories.
I cannot recall how many times I read:
"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon.
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.
Goodnight light, and the red balloon..."
to a sweet sleepy child. I know that Erin, stickler for detail that she is, would always catch me if I tried to leave anything out. John Forrest would have preferred the Bruno the Beagle book, but was a good sport about hearing another story.
I understand that the book has been made into a video. I think is a crime against humanity and whoever came up with this horrible idea should be spanked and sent to bed with absolutely NO story.
Thanks Sweet Pea and Doodle Bug for giving me those nice memories.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Oh you got to have friends!
This morning, after a glorious Easter, I returned to work and joined in a discussion on "The Sound of Music," which was on last night. I mentioned that it was the first movie I ever saw in a theatre. One of the more unfortunate people who work here (unfortunate for me anyway) commented, "Damn! How hold ARE you!?!?"
Gasps were heard throughout the building.
One of my little therapist friends (the one who bought the black wedge sandal like a good little grasshopper) jumped in the middle of all that and read her the riot act! I mean the tent was up and people were coming to Jesus - it was that good of a rave.
And then Grasshopper said the most cutting thing she could think of: "And you can't have lunch with us ANYMORE!"
This nearly did me in - I just started cracking up!! Shunned from the lunch table - the SHAME!
I told them that if they did not act nice that I was going to make them HOLD HANDS FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. And you know I will, don't you children of mine? I told them I was even going to make them hold hands at the MALL like I did my kids when they acted like goobers. I even offered to let them use my cell phone to call my children to verify that, yes, I had indeed scarred my children's psyches by making them hold hands when they were fighting. They were no end horrified and fussing abruptly stopped.
Then Unfortunate and I (did I mention that she is also Sharpie girl? Yes, she is the Unfortunate Sharpie Girl) had a chat about why she is always making a big deal about my age and I think that we came to an understanding. More to follow....
Gasps were heard throughout the building.
One of my little therapist friends (the one who bought the black wedge sandal like a good little grasshopper) jumped in the middle of all that and read her the riot act! I mean the tent was up and people were coming to Jesus - it was that good of a rave.
And then Grasshopper said the most cutting thing she could think of: "And you can't have lunch with us ANYMORE!"
This nearly did me in - I just started cracking up!! Shunned from the lunch table - the SHAME!
I told them that if they did not act nice that I was going to make them HOLD HANDS FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. And you know I will, don't you children of mine? I told them I was even going to make them hold hands at the MALL like I did my kids when they acted like goobers. I even offered to let them use my cell phone to call my children to verify that, yes, I had indeed scarred my children's psyches by making them hold hands when they were fighting. They were no end horrified and fussing abruptly stopped.
Then Unfortunate and I (did I mention that she is also Sharpie girl? Yes, she is the Unfortunate Sharpie Girl) had a chat about why she is always making a big deal about my age and I think that we came to an understanding. More to follow....
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A rant
Yes, I know that I have blogged today, but Erin will just have to suffer through because I need to put this out in the world.
Actually this is all Erin's fault because she told me that she had an Easter egg party at her house on Thursday evening for someone who had never dyed eggs before. (There's a lot that could be ranted about there, but I digress).
I decided that I would dye some eggs to use along with the pansy centerpiece for tomorrow's event. We all know how I love Easter. It rivals Christmas and that is certainly saying something since we all know what a fool I become at that time of the year.
Like Christmas, there are certain things that should never be changed about Easter. Just like you don't all of the sudden change Santa Clause to Santa Herman, you do not change the names of the colors in the Easter Egg dying kit. Is nothing sacred to you people (you meaning the people at Paas)? Blue is blue. Don't be changing it to "denim." "Teal" does not mean green. What are we going to do when the children of America go to school and tell the teacher that the Blue card she is holding up is "denim?" Are we changing Orange to "pumpkin?" Purple to "aubergine?" WHERE DOES IT END?
I say right here and right now. Join with me in my letter writing campaign to change the colors back to their real names. Here's the address:
c/o Signature Brands LLC
100 South Fourth Street, Suite 1010
St. Louis MO 63102
Teal indeed.
Actually this is all Erin's fault because she told me that she had an Easter egg party at her house on Thursday evening for someone who had never dyed eggs before. (There's a lot that could be ranted about there, but I digress).
I decided that I would dye some eggs to use along with the pansy centerpiece for tomorrow's event. We all know how I love Easter. It rivals Christmas and that is certainly saying something since we all know what a fool I become at that time of the year.
Like Christmas, there are certain things that should never be changed about Easter. Just like you don't all of the sudden change Santa Clause to Santa Herman, you do not change the names of the colors in the Easter Egg dying kit. Is nothing sacred to you people (you meaning the people at Paas)? Blue is blue. Don't be changing it to "denim." "Teal" does not mean green. What are we going to do when the children of America go to school and tell the teacher that the Blue card she is holding up is "denim?" Are we changing Orange to "pumpkin?" Purple to "aubergine?" WHERE DOES IT END?
I say right here and right now. Join with me in my letter writing campaign to change the colors back to their real names. Here's the address:
c/o Signature Brands LLC
100 South Fourth Street, Suite 1010
St. Louis MO 63102
Teal indeed.
Strange and wonderous things to behold here in Southern Maryland
We woke up today to 2 inches of snow. While this is a boon for those seeking brightly colored eggs, it does not bode well for the super fantastic leopard peep toe wedges that I was planning to wear with my Easter ensemble. Yeah, that's right... Lent is OVER baby!
On to other sights that amazed and confounded:
Yesterday while driving through La Plata, minding my business like I always do, I saw something that was at the same time hilarious and very sad: a gentleman on a Hover-round going through the drive through window at the liquor store. I am choosing to think that he does not do this on a daily basis, just for special celebrations throughout the year. Because if I thought this man hovered to the brew through on a daily basis it would make me very sad indeed.
Abby, I am waiting on pins and needles for the Sephora report - don't leave me hanging!
On to other sights that amazed and confounded:
Yesterday while driving through La Plata, minding my business like I always do, I saw something that was at the same time hilarious and very sad: a gentleman on a Hover-round going through the drive through window at the liquor store. I am choosing to think that he does not do this on a daily basis, just for special celebrations throughout the year. Because if I thought this man hovered to the brew through on a daily basis it would make me very sad indeed.
Abby, I am waiting on pins and needles for the Sephora report - don't leave me hanging!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
OK - so I am slowing down
Apparently, some people think that I am blogging way too often these days.
It is just that I have a lot to say and so I do.
But in the interest of some people, I will slow down to no more than once a day.
I must warn you: Those posts may become epistles. Just sayin'...
It is just that I have a lot to say and so I do.
But in the interest of some people, I will slow down to no more than once a day.
I must warn you: Those posts may become epistles. Just sayin'...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Rev. David MacDonald pours holy water on a 15-foot Celtic cross that had just been unveiled by Gloria Heisserman on Sunday at Christ Church, Durham Parish in Ironsides. Raymond Cannetti of St. Mary’s City carved the cross from a 3,600-pound block of Indiana limestone. Jon Dye of White Plains did the drawings. Heisserman and her husband, Bill, own the Solid Rock Co. and donated the stone to the church in memory of their daughter, Kristin, who died in a car accident at age 24. The designs in the cross represent not only Celtic tradition, but that of Charles County, with crabs, sturgeon and even a tree frog and mayfly.
Ornament of the World
Finished this last night. It is all about the Andalusian area of Spain where for 700 or more years Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace and the strides that were made in many areas such as science, philosphy, medicine, mathmatics, etc by this co-habitation. Nothing like a good Inquisition to ruin the mood.
Andalusion poetry (yes you can find this on i-tunes) sounds very much like how the Psalms were probably originally sung, and flamenco came from this area.
This is the end of today's lesson!
Now I am reading some fiction: The God of Animals. I will, of course, let you know what I think.
Andalusion poetry (yes you can find this on i-tunes) sounds very much like how the Psalms were probably originally sung, and flamenco came from this area.
This is the end of today's lesson!
Now I am reading some fiction: The God of Animals. I will, of course, let you know what I think.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The end is near

For all of you that haven given up something for Lent, you will be happy to know that Lenten fasting ceases after Good Friday services.
I just hope that the stores are open late enough for me to purchase these super fantastic incredibly frivolous shoes from Dolce and Gabbana. I think they are just the thing after a long shoe drought.
Just for my little friend Abby

Professional Mini Heated Lash Curler
This can't-live-without lash innovation is perfect for curling stubborn straight lashes anytime, anywhere.
Simply turn on, wait 15 seconds, place comb directly onto lash line above lashes, gently lift and comb lashes into the desired shape (as you would with a mascara brush), hold for one or two seconds, then release. Repeat across lashline until the desired effect is achieved.
Just in case the hair dryer thing doesn't pan out.
Are you taking Friday off to attend this most monumental moment in Memphis history?
Another silly meme
Favorite Color: yellow has been my favorite color my entire life I think.
Favorite Food: I am sorry there is no way I can narrow it down to one - raw oysters are at the top
Favorite Month: November
Favorite Song: Of all time? or currently swirling around in my head? How can I answer these things if I don't know the real question here?
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride ("Prepare to die")
Favorite Sport: football
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Day of the week: Friday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything with chocolate
Favorite Time of Day: Right when the sun is about to set and I am snuggled up on the couch with a fabulous book and an adult beverage in hand
Current Mood: meh
Current Taste: What? What does that mean?
Current Clothes: beige jeans, black long sleeve T with skull-cross-bones-heart thing going on, jean jacket, black ballet flats
Current Desktop: Picture of Steve feeding Theo chocolate pie
Current Toenail Color: Opi "I'm really not a waitress" red
Current Time: 12:57 p.m.
Current Surroundings: my extremely messy office
Current Thoughts: It is 80 degrees outside. MAN I wish I wasn't at work!
First Best Friend: Christy Chavez
First "date": I am sure that involved some dance at Del Crest Junior High
First Screen Name: Transplanted Okie
First Pet: a dog
First Piercing: both ears
First Crush: Billy Montgomery, kindergarten boyfriend
First CD: don't remember.
First Broken bone: none
Last Cigarette/Cigar: I remember having a Macanudo after one of the golf tournaments at Quail Creek, but I don't think I have indulged since then.
Last Car Ride: Coming back to work from lunch
Last Kiss: Right before I left home to come to work.
Last Movie Seen: at the theater? Chronicles of Narnia
Last Phone Call: Nick Harville from one of my committees giving me a rash of crap for beating him out of getting a donation from someone (it was a good thing!)
Last CD Played: "Chick Music" of my own personal making
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: define "dated"
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: not so far
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: many times
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know: squick. OK how about I have I ever kissed someone I thought I knew and them they turned out to be a total a$$hat? That's a question I can get behind.
Thing You’re Wearing: earrings
Thing You’ve Done Today: oh dudes, WHERE DO I START?
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: The therapists party it up in the lunch room
Thing You Can’t Live Without: family
Thing You Do When You’re Bored: Watch TV
1. Home
2. Work
3. CVS
4. That covers it
1. Steve
2. Betty
3. Alicia
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: hot
Spoil my grandchildren.
Favorite Color: yellow has been my favorite color my entire life I think.
Favorite Food: I am sorry there is no way I can narrow it down to one - raw oysters are at the top
Favorite Month: November
Favorite Song: Of all time? or currently swirling around in my head? How can I answer these things if I don't know the real question here?
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride ("Prepare to die")
Favorite Sport: football
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Day of the week: Friday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: anything with chocolate
Favorite Time of Day: Right when the sun is about to set and I am snuggled up on the couch with a fabulous book and an adult beverage in hand
Current Mood: meh
Current Taste: What? What does that mean?
Current Clothes: beige jeans, black long sleeve T with skull-cross-bones-heart thing going on, jean jacket, black ballet flats
Current Desktop: Picture of Steve feeding Theo chocolate pie
Current Toenail Color: Opi "I'm really not a waitress" red
Current Time: 12:57 p.m.
Current Surroundings: my extremely messy office
Current Thoughts: It is 80 degrees outside. MAN I wish I wasn't at work!
First Best Friend: Christy Chavez
First "date": I am sure that involved some dance at Del Crest Junior High
First Screen Name: Transplanted Okie
First Pet: a dog
First Piercing: both ears
First Crush: Billy Montgomery, kindergarten boyfriend
First CD: don't remember.
First Broken bone: none
Last Cigarette/Cigar: I remember having a Macanudo after one of the golf tournaments at Quail Creek, but I don't think I have indulged since then.
Last Car Ride: Coming back to work from lunch
Last Kiss: Right before I left home to come to work.
Last Movie Seen: at the theater? Chronicles of Narnia
Last Phone Call: Nick Harville from one of my committees giving me a rash of crap for beating him out of getting a donation from someone (it was a good thing!)
Last CD Played: "Chick Music" of my own personal making
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: define "dated"
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: not so far
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: many times
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know: squick. OK how about I have I ever kissed someone I thought I knew and them they turned out to be a total a$$hat? That's a question I can get behind.
Thing You’re Wearing: earrings
Thing You’ve Done Today: oh dudes, WHERE DO I START?
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: The therapists party it up in the lunch room
Thing You Can’t Live Without: family
Thing You Do When You’re Bored: Watch TV
1. Home
2. Work
3. CVS
4. That covers it
1. Steve
2. Betty
3. Alicia
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: hot
Spoil my grandchildren.
I love Sharpies. I'm serious. I love Sharpies! They come in all colors, they come fat and uber-skinny, they write on everything. What's not to love?
Having cleared up that I hold nothing against Sharpies themselves, I will tell you what you should NOT use a Sharpie for: eyeliner.
No, I didn't do this, but one of the brain trusts that work here has announced that she is using a fine line Sharpie for eyeliner these days. I haven't looked closely, but I think she is using black. I would not put it past her to get one of those multi color packs and match her eyeliner to her shirt.
Next she will be using the brown one to outline her lips and fill in with her extremely frosted pink lipstick. Or fill in her eyebrows. or draw big red circles on her cheeks for "blush."
Maybe I will suggest these beauty tricks to her because that would just be too good to be true to come in and find that waiting for me. Pictures would have to follow, natch.
Having cleared up that I hold nothing against Sharpies themselves, I will tell you what you should NOT use a Sharpie for: eyeliner.
No, I didn't do this, but one of the brain trusts that work here has announced that she is using a fine line Sharpie for eyeliner these days. I haven't looked closely, but I think she is using black. I would not put it past her to get one of those multi color packs and match her eyeliner to her shirt.
Next she will be using the brown one to outline her lips and fill in with her extremely frosted pink lipstick. Or fill in her eyebrows. or draw big red circles on her cheeks for "blush."
Maybe I will suggest these beauty tricks to her because that would just be too good to be true to come in and find that waiting for me. Pictures would have to follow, natch.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Eat, Pray, Love
Finished it this afternoon. LOVED it, mean it. There were several places that made me, literally, laugh out loud.
On to Ornament of the World.
On to Ornament of the World.
April 1 • Palm Sunday
From “Behold Your Mother” in Alive and Loose in the Ordinary: Stories of the Incarnation by Martha Sterne. © 2006. Used by permission of Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. www.morehousepublishing.com.
Palm Sunday some years back in Atlanta, I don’t remember which. But we are doing our thing—having our annual dramatic reading of the passion story, and it is going particularly well this year. We practiced hard and it shows. The narrator is great. Jesus knows his lines. And then the part comes when Pilate says what he says every year. What do you want me to do with this man? This is the signal for the whole congregation to get in on the action. And the crowd yells, CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM! Bloodcurdling effect. Very satisfactory.
And while the crowd’s pretended rage is still ringing in our ears, from about two-thirds back in the pews, comes a woman’s voice bellowing. NO. NO. NO. Not my Boy. No. Don’t. Not my Boy. And then sobs throbbing through the air to break your heart.
We are appalled, deeply appalled. What had been an audience is becoming something else. What is happening? Somehow 400 observers are transformed into a body of witnesses. I crane my neck and see that someone sitting near her comforts her. Well, thank God. They look for all the world like Mary and John lost at the foot of the cross, her head collapsed on the shoulder of her pew-mate, whose name, I remember, is actually John.
We sit in silence, all of us, for a timeless time. For what had been a well-done scripted and rehearsed play has become anamnesis, has become Real Presence. And the veil of the temple is torn in two. She is there at the foot of the cross. Perhaps you would have diagnosed her as mentally ill or maybe drunk—but she is there and she is our host and takes us there too.
What if we had ushered her out? What a loss. But we didn’t and she was peculiar and beautiful and rich with gifts to give and plugged into the power like I’ve never seen before. Where else would such a woman belong on Palm Sunday during the Passion of Our Lord but in the Body of Christ?
Palm Sunday some years back in Atlanta, I don’t remember which. But we are doing our thing—having our annual dramatic reading of the passion story, and it is going particularly well this year. We practiced hard and it shows. The narrator is great. Jesus knows his lines. And then the part comes when Pilate says what he says every year. What do you want me to do with this man? This is the signal for the whole congregation to get in on the action. And the crowd yells, CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM! Bloodcurdling effect. Very satisfactory.
And while the crowd’s pretended rage is still ringing in our ears, from about two-thirds back in the pews, comes a woman’s voice bellowing. NO. NO. NO. Not my Boy. No. Don’t. Not my Boy. And then sobs throbbing through the air to break your heart.
We are appalled, deeply appalled. What had been an audience is becoming something else. What is happening? Somehow 400 observers are transformed into a body of witnesses. I crane my neck and see that someone sitting near her comforts her. Well, thank God. They look for all the world like Mary and John lost at the foot of the cross, her head collapsed on the shoulder of her pew-mate, whose name, I remember, is actually John.
We sit in silence, all of us, for a timeless time. For what had been a well-done scripted and rehearsed play has become anamnesis, has become Real Presence. And the veil of the temple is torn in two. She is there at the foot of the cross. Perhaps you would have diagnosed her as mentally ill or maybe drunk—but she is there and she is our host and takes us there too.
What if we had ushered her out? What a loss. But we didn’t and she was peculiar and beautiful and rich with gifts to give and plugged into the power like I’ve never seen before. Where else would such a woman belong on Palm Sunday during the Passion of Our Lord but in the Body of Christ?
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