Friday, December 29, 2006
Let's remember this more than just at Christmas
by Howard Thurman
"When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart."
— The Mood of Christmas, 23
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I am a tree....of course I am
You Are a Tree |
![]() |
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Let's be thankful
Steve and I woke up Thursday morning.
We could have been sleeping in a car or on the sidewalk, but we were in our nice warm house.
Steve made muffins, and checked on our dinner reservations
Lots of people went without a meal that day.
Steve had a heart attack and we called the ambulance.
How many people would not have called the ambulance because they don't have the insurance to pay for it? Or won't go to the hospital for the same reason?
The nurses and doctors at the hospital were awesome and gave Steve great care.
What if we had been some place where there is no real hospital?
Father David came right over to offer support and prayers.
Think of the countries where people are not allowed to practice their religion.
The doctors put two stents in Steve's heart and he will, most likely, be better than ever.
He might have died.
All in all, we have MUCH to be thankful for; not that our Thanksgiving didn't suck (because trust me - it did). But the alternatives are so much worse.
God is good.
All the time.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
What do you want in YOUR stocking?
I have done a little survey here just to give everyone a hand. Copy and paste it in to the comments here so we can see what everyone has to say. I will call John and get his responses tonight.
What is your favorite color(s)? Yellow and red, but not to wear. Mostly I wear brown, caramel, and black during the winter
Favorite Candy/snack? (We know ALL about Ho-Ho’s, Steve) Not a big spiced orange fan. Love caramel!
Magazine? YES! I LOVE magazines about anything! OK mostly about food
What size sock do you wear? the normal 4 - 10 size
Hobbies? Where do I begin? Still quilting, doing some scrapbook stuff, cross stitch
What is your LEAST favorite flavor/smell? (Remember Erin’s intense hate of peaches). I cannot abide the smell of vanilla candles and/or buttercream. ACK - I feel my blood sugar rising just thinking of it!
Do you prefer to write with a pencil or pen? a .9 mechanical pencil
Are you collecting anything these days? Aren't I always? Actually I have been pretty good lately at not buying stuff. However, I always love a good snowman this time of year....
What is your favorite candle scent? Sage and Citrus, nothing too sweet. Target has a Method one that I really like - can't remember the name but it is green, and I like the blue one too. I think the blue one is clean water or something like that.
What bookstore do you go to – Borders or Barnes and Noble? Borders - alas
What else do you want us to know? I like it ALL! I love stuff!! Little frames WITH PICTURES ALREADY IN THEM would be great.
Update on the Oxy Ball
All and all I think I am going to keep using it!
Friday, November 10, 2006
You can't make this stuff up, people
The incident took place Sunday, when Britain celebrated Bonfire Night, traditionally marked with fireworks to celebrate the Guy Fawkes’ gunpowder plot to blow up Parliament in the 17th century.
The man suffered burns and other unspecified internal injuries in the incident in Sunderland, 275 miles north of London.
Katherine Shenton, a spokeswoman for the North East Ambulance Service, said a caller had phoned in that the victim was bleeding after the firecracker exploded.Several of the man’s friends recorded the incident on a mobile phone. The blurry images show a man bent over with his pants down and a white flash as the firecracker explodes.
Because that is what friends are for - letting you do something this stupid and then taking pictures of you while you are doing it.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Consumer Testing

Hope this picture looks better on your computer than it does mine!
Anyhoo....I am trying the Oxi-Clean detergent ball. You put this big ball of detergent in a little sock thing and then in the rubber ball. Just "toss" it into the washer where it can stay for 25 washes. What about the rinse cycle you ask? You don't have to take it out for that. I have no idea how or if it works but I am going to find out!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Thank God - I was worried I was becoming a Yankee
Your Linguistic Profile: |
45% General American English |
30% Dixie |
15% Yankee |
5% Upper Midwestern |
0% Midwestern |
Fortunately, I only have to figure out how to stomp out 15%.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Screw the Light Bulb Event
This is the text of an actual e-mail that I received this afternoon. Yes - I am going to attend.
Good times here in the shadow of our nation's capital.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The no good very bad mood
I am having a little bit of homesickness (Please do not say "Well, you are the one who decided to move." You might draw back a bloody stub. Just feel I should warn you.) I am a little bored with my job (I do not have enough to do to keep my busy on a day to day basis). I am tired of living 30 minutes away from everyone and fighting the mice (but I love that we have no neighbors, that it is so quiet, etc).
So apparently I am having what is commonly referred to as a "snit." Let us hope that it leaves as quickly as it arrived!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
What the...?
Another victory for the computer!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Random-ness at it's finest

OK this is kind of random, but stay with me folks.
I read a blog that is called "Lipstick is my Crack" and the gal who writes it swears by this stuff. So I decided to plunk down some $$ and try some.
I am in love.
OK - it takes your makeup off, even eye makeup, really well, rinses off beautifully, and leaves your face feeling fantastic . But the stuff smells incredible. I want to run out and buy a baguette to dunk in it.
You can get it online through the company that makes it (DHC) Sephora carries it (I think), not sure about Ulta. I highly recommend it and thank Mrs. Badger for the great tip.
That is all.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
No new song
To salvage the day, we drove on up to Hagerstown to the Outlet Mall!! Steve bought some jeans and some shoes. I bought a kit that turns a pumpkin into a spider. The real thrill of the trip was the autumnal (don't you just love that word?) colors we enjoyed along the way.
So. To all my children who are reading this blog: are we drawing names this year like last year? Let me know what you think because we need to begin to commence on that if we are.
Monday, October 09, 2006
National Acolyte Festival
Sunday we went to church and then to the La Plata Rotary Club Annual Lobster Fest. It's true - we know how to live. Next week-end we are going to a Craft Festival that has the potential to rival our own Affair of the Heart. I am thrilled. Steve is trying to come up with a new song to sing at the top of his lungs for this one since he cannot sing his signature "Affair of the Heart" aria. I 'll keep you posted on that one.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Alas, back to the real world.
Below are some pictures of the trip. As my little friend Abby would say: "Enjoy"

The pool at the Hyatt in which we stayed. There really was no beach per se. There was a little bity teeny tiny place that had 6 chaise lounges that they called the beach. We never got to sit in those lounges because someone was, apparently, always up at 4 a.m. to go "save" them all. Whatever. The waitress didn't go serve drinks on the "beach" so we were far far better off where we were.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Don't forget!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Steve's Surgery
Steve had a pretty rough night last night and I keep hearing that tomorrow, Friday, will be the worst day so I am running out to get a triple supply of Ho-Ho's just in case.
Thanks for all your love and prayers!
PS - the first thing he did when he got home after surgery was have a Ho-Ho and a pain pill.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
My latest obesssion

I took a card making class on Saturday and the instructor had this cool little machine called a Xyron.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Ernesto - the real deal
It is rather exciting I must say. I understand how people might think, "This is really cool! I am going to stay right here in my house and watch the 300 MPH winds go by because I am invincible!! The rain won't come in MY house. The wind won't take of MY roof!"
However, one must consider the possibility that the electricity might actually go off and you will not be able to watch "Dukes of Hazard" reruns while cars whip around your snug little abode. No electricity means that your beer will get warm in your 'frig and the whole experience will be one great big buzz kill. Bummer. Perhaps you should have gone with the nice National Guard people on their boat when they came by to pick you up. Hindsight is so 20/20.
We in Southern Maryland are not facing 300 MPH winds, only a deluge of an estimated one inch of rain per hour. I am prepared. There is the possibility that we might not have phones and that the cell phones won't work because of the storm system. Do not worry. We will be fine. We will call as soon as we can.
We are not watching Dukes of Hazard.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
College Football starts THURSDAY!
Sunday, August 27, 2006

This my friends is a Harley that is mounted onto the all about 15 feet off the floor at Apehangers. The "deocrations" hanging off said bike are bras. Apparently, some of the female persuasion (one can hardly call them ladies) dance on the bar, take off said lingerie and toss it onto the bike. There is another bike exactly like it on the opposite wall similarly adorned. I did not dance on the bar; however two of my board members did. Fortunately they did not add to the collection on the bikds. I think I would have fainted and fallen in right then.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Project #1

I spent the morning at Material Girls learning how to properly embroider on terry cloth. It truly is more difficult that it sounds! There are all of those little loopies to consider...
Anyway....This was the design that we put on our towels. It is difficult to see, I think, because the flash washed so much of the color out it. It is supposed to be a duck in a bikini. I know. Next to the duck it was supposed to say, " No...I am not Julia Roberts, but I get that a lot." I decided I just wanted my name, thanks.
This is on the top of the towel and then, after we cut another towel in half and sewed one half to the back of the top and the other half into pockets, it is a terry cover for a lounge chair. I am doing another one in yellow with my monogram in periwinkle (to match my new tankini!) and will post that when I am finished.
Back upstairs to sew some more....
I really wanted to be Halle Berry's character....
You Are Iceman |
![]() Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible |
Friday, August 18, 2006
While the cat is away the mouse will...Sew?
So - while the manly men are off in testosterone heaven I am going to sew like a woman possessed! I bought a dress pattern yesterday (I know, I was shocked as well) that I want to try out and a pattern for a top that looks like it is a wrap but it is not. I don't trust those wrap dresses and tops to stay where they need to! So we will call this a "faux" wrap (sounds so much better than pretend). I am also going to a class at Material Girls on Saturday morning to learn more about my embroidery machine. WOO HOO!
I have lost a whopping 8 pounds in three weeks and am feeling quite sassy. To reward myself (like I need an excuse) , I did a twirl through the mall yesterday and found a cute dress that I could actually afford! It was on sale for $49! It has a "faux" wrap top that is a little too decollete for day time, but, as Erin so wisely pointed out, I can wear a pretty camisole that peeks out and be good to go. (Thanks Erin!)
Next time I post I hope I can report great things from the sewing room!!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Pretty Clothes Continued
I am feeling so clever that if I had a tail I would be a weasel!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Mr. Simpson Goes to Maryland

My picture captures nothing of how beautiful it really is

Friday, August 11, 2006
Where have all the pretty clothes gone?

Drastic measures must be taken.
I have ordered two yards of the print to the left to make my own pencil skirt.
I can see this with a brown twin set with a lovely pink scark tied Parisianne style at the neck, perhaps pearls, or a great big pink flower in a nod to Sex and the City. Let us not forget the chocolate brown slingbacks that will complete the look.
The best part? I already have the twin set and shoes!!
I say we rise up and band together against the ugliness that is the fashion available to us. Betsy Ross patterns has the perfect pencil skirt pattern which I plan on using until my fingers bleed from sewing in zippers.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Way to go, Dumb***

Oklahoma released a statement confirming that two players had been dismissed by the team, but did not identify them. The school said the players violated NCAA rules by working at a private business and taking "payment over an extended period of time in excess of time actually worked."
Bomar, who set an Oklahoma freshman record with 2,018 passing yards after taking over as the Sooners' starter in the second game last season, was one of the two players who had been permanently dismissed.
"We spend a considerable amount of time addressing our players regarding their personal conduct and the NCAA rules," head coach Bob Stoops said. "They know exactly what we expect from them. Ultimately, they have to make right decisions. The same holds true for our boosters. When they do not, the consequences are serious, and we will not tolerate this behavior.
"Our team and university actions are necessary because of the intentional participation and knowledge of the student athletes in these violations," Stoops said.
A top-rated recruit out of high school, Bomar redshirted his first season while 2004 Heisman Trophy winner Jason White completed his career. Bomar lost a quarterback competition to Paul Thompson last fall, but was named the starter after the Sooners lost to TCU in the first week.
He started Oklahoma's final 11 games and completed 54 percent of his passes, while throwing 10 touchdowns and 10 interceptions. Oklahoma finished 2005 by winning six of its final seven games, including a victory against Oregon in the Holiday Bowl.
"I firmly believe that our program is stronger than any individual player and that a championship program cannot compromise its values," Stoops said in the statement.
You know that I hate to be left out....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Ultimate Chick CD
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Ain't No Other Man - Christina Aguilera
Man! I Feel Like a Woman - Shania Twain
Wicked Little High - Bird York
Walkin' After Midnight - Patsy Cline
Boogie Woogie Boy - Andrews Sisters
Full Moon Full of Love - K.D. Lang
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Respect - Aretha Franklin
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morrisett
I'm Every Woman - Chaka Kahn
Fever - Peggy Lee
Proud Mary - Tina Turner
Into the Groove - Madonna
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
Every Day is a Winding Road - Sheryl Crowe.
So - what am I missing?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Shoes Found
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
AIFD Convention

And here is me and Markie Doodle!
It was fun and interesting (as evidenced by that hairdo) and I am glad we got to go!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Rain, Rain Go Away
We have not had any mudslides etc, but the beltway was shut down Monday, and, according to those that know these things, the Metro looks like a big sewer. Yuck. We will be staying way south of that mess!!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Happy Lunch to You!
Also, here is an interesting site for you nutrition-minded folk:
Friday, June 23, 2006
Farewell Big Green Bean....
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
My new sunglasses
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Johns Forrest's Graduation
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Throwing down the fashion gauntlet
On August 27th (a Sunday) the Center for Children (the non-profit for which I work) is sponsoring a Motorcycle Benefit Ride. The ride will be through 3 counties and will be 70 miles long on Harley-type bikes. The ride ends at an establishment called (no, I am not kidding) Apehangers. The meal will be a pig roast out back and the entertainment will be Great Train Robbery which is a Lynard Skynard (I'm sure I misspelled that) type of band.
WHAT am I going to wear?!?!?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Left out
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Happy Mothers Day to Me!
Monday, May 15, 2006
What a great week-end
Monday, May 08, 2006
The odd things we remember
- When I walk up to my mail box, the crunch of the gravel sounds exactly like it did when we "walked around the mountain" at Aunt Grace and Uncle Ben's
- All motorcycle shops smell the same - even those that sell street bikes.
- I sleep with the covers pulled up over my head just like Grandma Geneva did
- No body makes Hushpuppies like Mrs. Miller did - although Bert's Diner comes very close
- Happy was not the only bulldog that could wriggle that way - they all do when you talk to them. I think that they have no idea that they are not shaped like a poodle and look really goofy doing their dance.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Just so you know
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My office

Cooler heads prevailed so I am keeping the big green bean van. *sigh* I guess I will just have to wait a while longer to get the cool cobra trike.
Monday, April 17, 2006
My new mode of transportation

So, the big green bean has 247,000 miles on it. What do we think of this for my next "vehicle"? The one next to me has two kegs on it which would come in handy of I could fill them with Diet Coke, but I am really drawn to this one. Don't know if you can see the cobra detailing on it - there is also a button that you can push so "venom" shoots out from the front. Just the thing for a Deacon's wife!!!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Gray Day
Speaking of Bob, we had him groomed and he definitely looks like a wuss. They shaved him so short he looks pink because you can see his skin through his hair! They always shave his back side, and this time it is so completely shaved that Steve is righteously indignant on Bob's behalf I don't think Bob give a flying flip in reality. Remember the dog in "Neverending Story"? That's what Bob looks like.
I broke down and had to stop working at the quilt store. :( I just know that I cannot handle two jobs right now. They were so nice about it, but I really felt badly about it. That doesn't mean I still can't go in there and spend!! And Amy told me that they are getting in OSU fabric! I need to ask her about OU next time I am in.
So the golf tournament is going along - it is June 16 if you decide you want to come out and play or come out and sit on a hole! Then on July 26 we are having a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament. I am glad I am as far along with the golf tournament as I am - I know nadda about poker! I bought a "Pocket Idiot's Guide to Texas Hold 'Em" so now I know all the terminology, but I still haven't a clue how to play. Guess it really doesn't matter if I know how to play as long as everyone else does.
Love to all,
Monday, March 27, 2006
It has been a while....
Steve and I went to an outlet mall Saturday that actually had David Yurman jewelry on sale. What a hoot! We of course did not buy any, but it was interesting to see this "exclusive" jewelry in an outlet mall.
Keep well!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
To sleep perchance to dream....
It doesn't get much stranger than that, my friends.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Good news, Bad news
I am so excited for Erin and her "March Madness" of getting ready for graduation!! Seems like only yesterday I was sending her off to kindergarten (sniff sniff). This is where Erin says "Sick, Mother."
My friend Robin on the other hand had bad news. She has been diagnosed with scleroderma. Needless to say she and her family are very upset. My heart broke for her yesterday when she told me - she was so upset.
So let's rejoice with Erin and pray for healing for Robin.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Job
I have had some ask me about my "finally got a job" comment. I guess what I meant was that I am no longer a "lady of leisure," but back to being a full time working girl. I must tell you - I am a way out of shape for working 8 - 5 every day! Bob and Steve seem to both be handling the change well - I on the other hand am pooped.
So what did you give up/take on for Lent? I am sending out the meditations and I am also dedicating myself to reading the Bible. I started out reading maybe 1 or 2 chapters of the New Testament every night, but it has turned into about 30-45 minutes every night. For me, that is quite a few more than a "few" chapter since I read so quickly. I am really enjoying it and hopefully gaining much from it.
Love you all!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
My new job!
I am sending out Lenten meditations. If you want to receive them let me know and I will add you to the group list.
Love you all!
Friday, February 24, 2006
MUCH better today!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
NOT What I expected
First of all, they signed me up in the wrong class. They gave my money back etc. but I didn't get to take the mariner's Compass class.
Second: I have a horrible headache so I went over to Targe to get ibuprofin which leads me to
Third: The check engine light came on in the car so I have been sitting at the dealer's service center for most of the day. Now $300 later I am back at the hotel.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Too excited to sleep!
I will have my cell phone while I am there. Of course, it will be turned to silent while I am in class, but I will check it often so if you need me callme.
Love you all!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Don't say I didn't warn you....
From Associated PressFebruary 21, 2006 6:18 AM EST
MOSS BLUFF, Fla. - A man accused of fatally beating his roommate with a sledgehammer and a claw hammer because there was no toilet paper in their home has been arrested.
And I bet it wasn't even snowing and he still went wacko because of no toilet paper. Please my friends and family, don't take this chance.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Bumper Stickers
Today while at the grocery store I saw one that said "Old pilots never die, they just go to a different plane," which I thought was cute. Then on the way home some snit nearly killed me and on her car was all sort of Darwin walking fish with a bumber sticker that said "Born good enough the first time." For some reason, this absolutely enraged me. I wanted to drive on her bumper for the next 15 miles and shake my fist at her, a completely UN-Christian response!! Of course, I have an Episcopal shield on my back window so I thought better of the whole thing. I mean, how would that look if I am advertizing my church while behaving like a crazy woman? How bizarre that some $1.50 sticker affixed to our bumper lets everyone know sooooo much about us. Good thing I remembered mine and behaved accordingly by just driving home while shaking my head.
Monday, February 13, 2006
The strange things we cook!
Chocolate Beef Stout Stew
Serves 4
3 TBS vegetable oil
2 ½ pounds beef bottom round roast cut into 1” pieces (or equivalent amount of stew meat)
5 medium onions peeled and cut into quarters
1 carrot (we used 2, could use more if you want)
1 quart beef stock
3 bottles Guinness® stout
6 TBS tomato paste (we just used the whole can, small size)
3 sprigs fresh thyme (1 tsp dried)
1 bay leaf
½ pound mushrooms, quartered
½ lb unsalted butter (Use only 1 stick. I can’t figure out where they thought all this butter was going)
½ cup flour
Salt and pepper
Chopped fresh parsley
2 ounces bittersweet chocolate
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Heat 3 TBS oil in large sauté pan over high heat. When oil is hot, add beef, 3 onions, and carrot. Sauté until well browned; remove from pan, drain off fat.
Add meat and sautéed vegetables to a 1 gallon roasting pan or Dutch oven. Add stock, stout, tomato paste, thyme and bay leaf. Bring to a boil on top of the stove.
Cover and transfer to preheated oven. Cook 1 ½ hours or until meat is tender.
In a separate roasting pan (or pie plate) season the remaining onions with salt and pepper and dot with 1 TBS butter. Roast onions for 45 minutes.
Remove stew from oven and use a slotted spoon to remove beef to bowl. Then strain the liquid into a container and discard the vegetables and herbs (We did not throw away the vegetable. We added them back in with the meat).
Over a medium high heat in a roasting pan (we used the same one we had just taken the meat out of), melt ¼ cup of butter and whisk in flour to make a roux. Whisk in a quart of the reserved liquid in and simmer 3 – 4 minutes to thicken. Add the meat (and reserved vegetables) and stir in chocolate until melted.
In a sauce pan, sauté mushrooms in 1 TBS butter and add to stew with parsley.
Serve over garlic mashed potatoes and garnish with roasted onions.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
What, exactly, is a nor'easter?
I finished "Manhunt" and it was as fascinating as I had hoped. The author talks about a tavern where Booth and several others had, originally, planned to kidnap Lincoln. I drive by that building almost daily - there are people living there! Apparently this part of Maryland was a hotbed of Confederate espionage, as was Baltimore. The book really made me want to read more about this region and both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.
Be safe and warm my friends - I love and miss "all y'all."
Thursday, February 09, 2006
So what are you reading?
I just finished Memoirs of a Geisha, which was OK. I got bored with the continual conflict with the other geisha and the scheming to get rid of this man in order to get that one. A while back there was an autobiography by a woman who became the first Western woman to become a Geisha. I found that much more fascinating.
Misquoting Jesus: Very deep, and very interesting. It has come up several times in our Sunday School class, so, after we are finished with our current topic, our class is going to be on that book. I am looking forward to that a great deal. I just got The Historic Jesus from a friend and plan to start it. The author is on the edge of excommunication by the Catholic Church for this book. Hmmm....
Manhunt: This is a book I cannot wait to read! It is by a leading Lincoln scholar and it is all about what happened after Booth shot Lincoln. For those of you who do not realize exactly where I am in the world, Dr. Mudd's home is 2.75 miles east of me (he is the doctor who set Booth's leg after the assassination). Pope's Creek, which is where Booth crossed the Potomac into Virginia is about 15 - 20 miles west of me. I think it is going to be a great read especially since I plan to drive the route myself. Dorky? Probably. Fascinating? You bet!
Living a Life that Matters: We are reading this in our Daughters of the King chapter. It is by the same man who wrote" When Bad Things Happen to Good People." We are reading two chapters a month and then discussing our thoughts at the meetings. Very cool to see what other people think of it and how we each interpret the message.
So, what are you reading?
Monday, February 06, 2006
"Super" Sunday
Yesterday, at Adult Forum (Sunday School), I saw how intelligent discussion and disagreement takes place. It was calm, there were great pains taken to make sure that neither side offended, and both sides, while not agreeing, acknowledged the other side's position and the process that was involved in coming to that place. It was very cool. It was even better that it was at church where, it seems to me, that usually the most virulent disagreements take place. No "drawing a line in the sand" or anything so dramatic or harmful. Thanks God - I learned more from that than anything else!
I am gearing up for my big adventure to Hampton, Va. at the end of the month. Four days of sewing classes and quilt show! I know that some of you would rather stick a pencil in your eye than do this, but that's ok....I will have a blast!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Bob is weird
Steve's Game
Family member you can't live without - All of them but especially my husband
Celebrity whose work you can't live without - None of them
Food you can't live without - Chocolate
TV show you can't live without - Duh, American Idol, isn't that everyone's answer? No, mine is Law and Order
Movie you can't live without - Princess Bride
Game you cant live without (Video, Board, Card, etc.) - My favorite game is one Ann and I play called, "What great adventure can we come up with this weekend?' or the other favorite, "Can you make up new lyrics for this song?" Same here
Activity you can't live without - Church, and whatever the current craft of the moment is
Sport you can't live without - Football
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Week-end update
Friday evening Mark arrived in town. Great to see him! He has lost so much weight that Steve can no longer refer to him as "my short round friend." We went to Ruths Chris for dinner where I overindulged. WAY too much rich food, but the bread pudding was to die for!
Saturday Steve and I volunteered at the Diocesan Convention held at the National Cathedral. We collated ballots which in and of itself was not fascinating, but the rest of the meeting was very interesting. There was a resolution honoring Thurgood Marshall who was a long time (30 years) member of a parish in southeast DC. There was also the ubiquitous resolutions regarding the consecration of the gay bishop in New Hampshire. One was postponed indefinately and the other passed. Our priest did not agree with the theology of the one that passed, but I do not know the exact problems he has with it. I do plan to find out.
Steve (and, by extension, I) have been asked to take the Youth Delegation to the General Convention in late June of this year. It will be held in Columbus Ohio which we all know is Steve's old stomping ground. I do not know exactly how many youth are actually involved in the trip, but I am very excited to go to a General Convetion. I am going to a Daughters of the King Province meeting the end of May, Theo's 1st birthday is June 7, and then the trip to Ohio - Busy summer ahead!
That is all the news, my friends. I love and miss all of you!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Where I have been
Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / Washington D.C. /
Go HERE to have a form generate the HTML for you.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I think my chest is safe from perverts masquerading as bra fitters, but now I am completely freaked out about birdf flu. This is what Oprah's site says we should do to get ready:
-Stock your cabinets with enough canned goods to last four to five weeks.
-Stockpile your prescription drugs, if possible.
-Speak with city officials to make sure your community has enough chlorine on hand to purify the water, in case shipments stop coming. Many cities only keep enough chlorine on hand to last five to seven days.
-There are also many lessons we can learn from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Osterholm says. Americans need to be prepared to live without modern luxuries, and communities should have a plan to bury their dead in a timely, respectful manner.
Again, Oprah said it on her show so it must be true.
Kidding aside, this stuff is pretty scary.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Better Today!
Yesterday Bob and I drove down to Solomon's Island to go to Clipper's Canine Cafe and Nautical Boutique (is that the sound of my children gagging? Why, yes, I think it is), but darn it, they were closed. Fear not friends, the trip was not wasted! We went to Woodburn's so I could have a Betty. The Betty is the best sandwich known to man. It has shrimp, salmon, fresh tuna, and scallops on Italian bread with cheddar cheese on both sides. That way when they grill it all the stuff melts into the cheese and doesn't fall out (I know that is my sister gagging). Bob had some gourmet liver biscotti (yech) and all was good. We then drove up to Prince Frederick where I found a store that also carries the type of dog food Bob likes (cue children to roll eyes).
Today Bob went to be groomed. Much better than the last grooming. He was WAY too girly-man dog last time. I also finished knitting a ruffled scarf while I watched a movie on TV. So not horribly productive (I did do all the laundry however), but certainly not the snit I was in yeterday. I also made it to Borders and they had the book Misquoting Jesus. I will let you know what I think.
Thanks everyone for your nice coments! I needed them and they were appreciated. I get into a little pity party every now and then, and it is nice to know you love me in spite of it!
Monday, January 23, 2006
I have been reading a blog that comments a lot about the Southern Baptist Convention and the turmoil they are experiencing within that denomination right now. Very strange to me that each denomination knows exactly what God is thinking and what He does and does not approve of. Has anyone read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis? All of this "stir" reminds me of that. And I am not talking about just SBC - I am talking about a lot of what is going on in the world right now.
Next week-end Steve and I are volunteering at the Diocesan convention to be held at the National Cathedral. We are ballot passer outers. Should be, I hope, fun and interesting. If you need something from the Cathedral let me know. I am assuming that the bookstore will be open. Yesterday during Sunday School Fr David talked about a book called Misquoting Jesus. It is about how through mistakes made (unintentionally I assume) when scribes copied manuscrpits changed the sub-text of some of the scriptures dramatically. I am going to look for it here at borders (HA!) and I will let you know what I think.
I have started reading Memiors of a Geisha and really like it. I was told that I should read the book before I see the movie. We all know how often I make it to the movies so that should not be a problem at all!!
Off on an adventure to Solomons Island with Bob. Hopefully that will put an end to my crankiness. If not I can always get glad in the same clothes I got mad in!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I was scared I would be Ted Kennedy or Hillary!!

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by
But turns out I am Ghandi - which is also bizarre.